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Extremley noobish question


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Most of the good mods require the ASI Script Hook. LINKAGE: http://aru.mtasa.com/gta4/GTAIVScriptHook_0.3.0_Redist.zip (Direct download link. Didn't want to link to another forum. It's against the rules on most forums Google it if you want the actual release post)

There is a nice readme in there. It'll tell you what you need to do.

If the mod has a file with a .asi extension, you will need that script hook to use it.

if you are trying to import (Add) New cars to the game that you found on the front page of Thegtaplace You will need a tool called "Spark IV" It allowes you to open the .img files that GTA uses to store it's files such as models textures and so on. It also allows you to import and replace files within it. LINKAGE: http://www.thegtaplace.com/downloads/f3475-sparkiv-0-6-3

If you want to change the handling on cars to make them heavy, fast, invincible, give them more/less traction, So on, you will need a handling editor (Well you don't need ti but it makes the process a whole hell of a lot easier.) It's pretty straight forward to use read the enclosed readme if you can't figure it out. LINKAGE: http://www.thegtaplace.com/downloads/f3473...handling-editor

If you want to edit weapons E.G: edit a Mp5 to shoot RPG rounds you will need the Weapon Editor. LINKAGE: http://www.thegtaplace.com/downloads/f3472...v-weapon-editor

Hope i helped :)

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