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What R They Thinking?


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Just seeing this, Ima post it here so we non GTAF members can say what we think, one such thought is lets beat 'em to the punch?! haha


While thinking lightly about how to get membership active here in the previous thread, I popped into GTAF to see them propose a Q and A submission to Rockstar as if they're the only fan forum going, well, I'd show 'em up, just to prove they're not... However, it's most likely that Rockstar Games in their infinite wisdom will continue to use their own channels and resources, they have faith in them, simply said, using their own Internet system for filtering content, they wouldn't just open up about some questions because they happened to be coming from GTAForums, sorry GTAnet, I just don't see that happening no matter HOW MANY members are on the forum...

They don't cater to promote one forum over another, they do give credence to fan based sites as we've already noted in News-wire based on creativity points, and multiplayer exploits, but there's no reason they'd spill the beans to anyone in particular.

As for the Q and A, I doubt they'll offer too much more on GTA or RDR in that regard, from what they've already done

Edited by BlackListedB
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