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GTA San Andreas Vehicle ID's

The JD

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Hi! I recently downloaded a GTA SA Vehicle Spawner that spawns vehicles in the game. Its done in VB and works only on an EU exe i.e. the cracked one by Hoodlum or someone... All you have to do is, start the game, alt + tab out and then enter a vehicle ID in the box, hit soawn and your good to go! Problem is... all I've been able to spawn is the Hydra as it's vehicle ID is default in the text box. Does anyone have the ID Nos. to the vehicles in SA??? Thanks.

P.S: The Hydra's ID is 520

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If by any chance you mean licence plates in the game of different cars, here's a list I made not too long ago.

Liscence Plates

FOO5 4UV - ZR-350's plate from Farewell my Love

(Backwards) OUTTHERE - Truth's Camper

LVA4L - Cesar's Savannah

HO 2 HO - Jizzy's Pimpmobile from the mission Jizzy

PREACHER - Bike from Highjack Mission

TIMEBOMB - Blow up car from Yay Ka Boom-Boom

MATHEW 2 - Stinger car from garage buisness mission

NU SKOOL - Stratum from garage buiness mission

OVO3 BAG - FCR-900 from Bike School

GOLD - Hotknife from Driving School

GROVE4L - Sweet's Greenwood

SHERM - Ryder's Picador

H CARMAN - Patriot from Mafia Mission at hospital

PULASKI - Pulaski's Buffalo from High Noon

J LOMAX - Pink Windsor from Home in the Hills

FE83 GEE - BF-400 found on the streets

AMY AK - BF-400 from Just Buisness and Feltzer from End of the Line

SPANK - Millie's Club

PH34 OSS - Pink Windsor found outside Sex Shop in Key to Heart Mission

SWAG - Robbery Truck from Home Invasion

I had some other ones, but I lost them.

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  Rocka91 said:
If by any chance you mean licence plates in the game of different cars, here's a list I made not too long ago.

Liscence Plates

FOO5 4UV - ZR-350's plate from Farewell my Love

(Backwards) OUTTHERE - Truth's Camper

LVA4L - Cesar's Savannah

HO 2 HO - Jizzy's Pimpmobile from the mission Jizzy

PREACHER - Bike from Highjack Mission

TIMEBOMB - Blow up car from Yay Ka Boom-Boom

MATHEW 2 - Stinger car from garage buisness mission

NU SKOOL - Stratum from garage buiness mission

OVO3 BAG - FCR-900 from Bike School

GOLD - Hotknife from Driving School

GROVE4L - Sweet's Greenwood

SHERM - Ryder's Picador

H CARMAN - Patriot from Mafia Mission at hospital

PULASKI - Pulaski's Buffalo from High Noon

J LOMAX - Pink Windsor from Home in the Hills

FE83 GEE - BF-400 found on the streets

AMY AK - BF-400 from Just Buisness and Feltzer from End of the Line

SPANK - Millie's Club

PH34 OSS - Pink Windsor found outside Sex Shop in Key to Heart Mission

SWAG - Robbery Truck from Home Invasion

I had some other ones, but I lost them.

No, he means the vehicle ID number that identifies a vehicle in the main.scm and .exe. You should just be able to enter in the name. The SCM and exe accept both the name and ID number.

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  chris82 said:
  Rocka91 said:

If by any chance you mean licence plates in the game of different cars, here's a list I made not too long ago.

Liscence Plates

FOO5 4UV - ZR-350's plate from Farewell my Love

(Backwards) OUTTHERE - Truth's Camper

LVA4L - Cesar's Savannah

HO 2 HO - Jizzy's Pimpmobile from the mission Jizzy

PREACHER - Bike from Highjack Mission

TIMEBOMB - Blow up car from Yay Ka Boom-Boom

MATHEW 2 - Stinger car from garage buisness mission

NU SKOOL - Stratum from garage buiness mission

OVO3 BAG - FCR-900 from Bike School

GOLD - Hotknife from Driving School

GROVE4L - Sweet's Greenwood

SHERM - Ryder's Picador

H CARMAN - Patriot from Mafia Mission at hospital

PULASKI - Pulaski's Buffalo from High Noon

J LOMAX - Pink Windsor from Home in the Hills

FE83 GEE - BF-400 found on the streets

AMY AK - BF-400 from Just Buisness and Feltzer from End of the Line

SPANK - Millie's Club

PH34 OSS - Pink Windsor found outside Sex Shop in Key to Heart Mission

SWAG - Robbery Truck from Home Invasion

I had some other ones, but I lost them.

No, he means the vehicle ID number that identifies a vehicle in the main.scm and .exe. You should just be able to enter in the name. The SCM and exe accept both the name and ID number.

Okay, my fault, just delete my post if you have to.

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400 landstal

401 bravura

402 buffalo

403 linerun

404 peren

405 sentinel

406 dumper

407 firetruk

408 trash

409 stretch

410 manana

411 infernus

412 voodoo

413 pony

414 mule

415 cheetah

416 ambulan

417 leviathn

418 moonbeam

419 esperant

420 taxi

421 washing

422 bobcat

423 mrwhoop

424 bfinject

425 hunter

426 premier

427 enforcer

428 securica

429 banshee

430 predator

431 bus

432 rhino

433 barracks

434 hotknife

435 artict1

436 previon

437 coach

438 cabbie

439 stallion

440 rumpo

441 rcbandit

442 romero

443 packer

444 monster

445 admiral

446 squalo

447 seaspar

448 pizzaboy

449 tram

450 artict2

451 turismo

452 speeder

453 reefer

454 tropic

455 flatbed

456 yankee

457 caddy

458 solair

459 topfun

460 skimmer

461 pcj600

462 faggio

463 freeway

464 rcbaron

465 rcraider

466 glendale

467 oceanic

468 sanchez

469 sparrow

470 patriot

471 quad

472 coastg

473 dinghy

474 hermes

475 sabre

476 rustler

477 zr350

478 walton

479 regina

480 comet

481 bmx

482 burrito

483 camper

484 marquis

485 baggage

486 dozer

487 maverick

488 vcnmav

489 rancher

490 fbiranch

491 virgo

492 greenwoo

493 jetmax

494 hotring

495 sandking

496 blistac

497 polmav

498 boxville

499 benson

500 mesa

501 rcgoblin

502 hotrina

503 hotrinb

504 bloodra

505 rnchlure

506 supergt

507 elegant

508 journey

509 bike

510 mtbike

511 beagle

512 cropdust

513 stunt

514 petro

515 rdtrain

516 nebula

517 majestic

518 buccanee

519 shamal

520 hydra

521 fcr900

522 nrg500

523 copbike

524 cement

525 towtruck

526 fortune

527 cadrona

528 fbitruck

529 willard

530 forklift

531 tractor

532 combine

533 feltzer

534 remingtn

535 slamvan

536 blade

537 freight

538 streak

539 vortex

540 vincent

541 bullet

542 clover

543 sadler

544 firela

545 hustler

546 intruder

547 primo

548 cargobob

549 tampa

550 sunrise

551 merit

552 utility

553 nevada

554 yosemite

555 windsor

556 monstera

557 monsterb

558 uranus

559 jester

560 sultan

561 stratum

562 elegy

563 raindanc

564 rctiger

565 flash

566 tahoma

567 savanna

568 bandito

569 freiflat

570 streakc

571 kart

572 mower

573 duneride

574 sweeper

575 broadway

576 tornado

577 at400

578 dft30

579 huntley

580 stafford

581 bf400

582 newsvan

583 tug

584 petrotr

585 emperor

586 wayfarer

587 euros

588 hotdog

589 club

590 freibox

591 artict3

592 androm

593 dodo

594 rccam

595 launch

596 copcarla

597 copcarsf

598 copcarvg

599 copcarru

600 picador

601 swatvan

602 alpha

603 phoenix

604 glenshit

605 sadlshit

606 bagboxa

607 bagboxb

608 tugstair

609 boxburg

610 farmtr1

611 utiltr1

There, all vehicle ID's.

Some might not work though.

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