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Wu Zi Mu: help


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Hey, i just got the same problem with Farewell, my love, but is simple once you know the road and what not to do.

You know, if i could i'll do the mission for you, but your Rar is damaged, i dont know, its corrupt.

If you want i could make you one but you wont have all the stuff you have now.

Contact me by my personal email: [email protected] or by this post.

Oh, i almost forget, if you need any other mission just send me a message or an email.



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Those are simple ones, the dillimore station simple you only have to go slowly and carefully, the liquor store in blueberry is a bit more complicated but, if you use a powerfull weapon and a kicking ass aiming you will defeat them, the gambling shop in i-dont-know its really simple and the bank could make you some trouble but nothing to worry about, next to that is a race, it is called Farewell my love, and its the same race that wu zi mu but inversed, the point is you use a zr-350 and thats the most crap car for races (not really).



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