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new guy question


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¿What kind of camera are you using?

Well, if it shows you side views, upviews and front views, is that you are using Film Camera, just change it pushing V or if it only show you side sides im thinking might be pressing Q or E.


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It usually shows a view from right behind me, but when i turn or get too close to something it changes to a side view, or over the top view. I was doing a drive-by mission and it gets tough, because the people I am shooting at arn't vivible

I figured it out, i was using the LMB for the handbrake, which was changing my camera when the mouse moved, I swiched it to the num0 and Now it plays right

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey mjforever try not to double post ok?

I will just merge your two post together. :)

My advice, get a gaming pad/controler, it always works the best, the keyboards hard to use.

get used to it :clapping:

Oh by the way, lance vance dance, Do not spam , only post when you have somthing useful to say. ;)

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