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help don't know how to get starting my modding?

tha gta dude

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Modding the game yourself is harder. Significanlty harder. Especially if you want to change the way things look.

Also don't forget to tell him that no one has explained and there are no instructions anywhere on what base options in an editor are used by all moders to be able to start modding

Which in turn makes modding even harder to be able to do

You can't even begin to learn how to start changing the way things look unless someone explains what options get used in order to be able to start understanding it


other than that you will be guessing for at least 6 months

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  Jace said:
no prob. If you want to try dff modling. You'l need to go the gtamodding since there aren't any dff moders here.

That won't do him or anyone else good I have been all over that site on every page and there is nothing there at all that explains on how to mod a .dff file

BTW if there are no .dff modders here then what the hell are all these mods that were created by the people here doing up on this site for then...

My point is that if there are no .dff modders on this site then there should also be no mods hosted here made by the people that belong to this site either

If there are mods made by the people on this site then there are .dff modders here as well

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  Jace said:
I'm at least giving a littel help. Your only jacking about no tutorials for dff moding.

I am helping him out more than you are by telling him not to waste his time because the information you are goiving him is not correct.

How are you helping someone by telling them to go somewhere for help where there is none.

all that is going to do is bring him right back to this forum and wind up asking the same kind of question

Whenever I correct one of you people with fact you get all pissy at me like I did something wrong.

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  tha gta dude said:
i really want to mod cars or guns only i don't know how to get started with this the only thing what i know on modding cars is that i can change handling and speed plz help me with this


(SA SUPPORT FOR .DFF not supported in free version!)

Ya If you want to have some simple fun with it try Textures. Open up the "gta3.img" file with IMG program and export the image you want and edit it with photoshop or MS paint etc.

just ask me about texture if you want to know. I'm an expert at textures. Not modeling though. If you after that ask someone else.

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all of you tanks for the help and i have some questions:

Q: how can texture the outside off the cars cuz my txd workshop doesn't see the outside of cars

Q: where can i get Zmodeller free version??

Q: how can i add my own made paintjobs

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Q: how can texture the outside off the cars cuz my txd workshop doesn't see the outside of cars

You need a program that allows .dff file support

Q: where can i get Zmodeller free version??


BTW: The free version of ZModeler does in fact support .dff files (I have the free version and can import.dff files into it and alter them) You just need to know where to look for the registration code

Q: how can i add my own made paintjobs

I have been asking this question for at least 2 weeks and I still have yet to get an answer

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  tx3000 said:
No Problem

BTW if you want I can give you the registration code that I used for z-modeler

I will PM it to you if you want it?

Is Z-Modeler a pay-program? If not, he should be able to get the code himself. If it is, discussion obtaining it for free is illegal, and is not to be discussed.

And STFU about the guide. It isn't mandatory that every modder makes a guide available on how to work the program.

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He asked for help and I gave it too him, and that should end it.

Why are you going on about all this:

Is Z-Modeler a pay-program? If not, he should be able to get the code himself. If it is, discussion obtaining it for free is illegal, and is not to be discussed.

You are the only one discussing this either of these 2 things.

I have reported you for off topic posting and purposly trying to start flame wars

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NO, you quoted me telling me not to forget to tell him we don't have any type of guide or anything. STFU about it. If I see you bitching about it in another topic, you're f***in' out of here. No, not because I feel threatened by you or whatever your sig say, but because I'm TIRED OF HEARING ABOUT IT.

If you have to PAY for the full version, and you are GIVING him the registration code, that is PIRACY. It's ILLEGAL you IGNORANT f***.

You haven't proven much. Except that you seem to think that we must go out of our way to cater to your needs. Oh, and just like I proved you were a hypocrite, and then you stopped responding.

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If you have to PAY for the full version, and you are GIVING him the registration code, that is PIRACY. It's ILLEGAL you IGNORANT f***.

I knew if this went on long enough I would catch someone in this and now you have allowed me to nail you in this thus having you back up my point about copyright infringement that all of you said was perfectly fine

I do recall everyone that responded to my copyright issue where the original files were posted on a site as well as having original files inside mods.....INCLUDING YOURSELF backing up a claim that someone replied with saying IF IT'S PAID THEN THAT GIVES ONE THE LISCENSE TO POST IT FREELY SO THEREFORE ITS NOT ILLEGAL...

And I specifically said not for people that have not paid for it and people said I was wrong about that too


People saying its ok to post original game files is the exact same thing as me posting a registration code.

I am going to use the exact same points you people did arguing with me about the copyright infringment issue

I didn't post the program, or any files that allow the program to run,

Whether I paid for it or not It's MY registration code (Just like those are you're mods) therefore According to everyone here I have the right the to do what I what with it...


You haven't proven much. Except that you seem to think that we must go out of our way to cater to your needs. Oh, and just like I proved you were a hypocrite, and then you stopped responding.

Don't even talk to me about being a hypocrite if you want to try to take the exact same situation and apply it one sided saying its ok for the site to do it but not for me to do it


After this reply

I have proven you have no clue to what you are talking about and that you can't stand the fact that I have pointed out all of you're short comings and now you are embarresed about it.

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plz guys no fighting :innocent:

only what do i need to do whith the regestrtion code cuz zmoddeler started emediatly after i opened the program.

now is my problem how do i need to use zmoddeler cuz i don't understand a thing off all those thing what i only need to know now is some kind of basics like adding a blueprint so i can make some nice cars\guns

and like adding some poly's i hope you now how to do this.

p.s. if you don't know why i don't reply on saturday and sunday i'm on vakation :thumbsup:

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only what do i need to do whith the regestrtion code cuz zmoddeler started emediatly after i opened the program. now is my problem how do i need to use zmoddeler

Click about in the top corner of the zmodeler and then click ok or whatever it says too (This is where the reg code goes) then reboot you're computer

As for how to use it....this is a great black ops mystery some how no one wants to talk about. Because I am stuck in the same situation you are.

It seems that people who are registared on this site and that host mods and or have them hosted here and its obvious that they know how to use it (How else could they make a mod) become all of a sudden dumb and silent like they don't know what you are talking about but then continue making and having mods hosted

I have been asking how do you use this for 3 weeks now and people want to keep silent about it ...maybe they want the glory all to themselves or whatever.....

But as it is now I have been asking for how do I with this and there is no manuals anywhere that explain what you are asking...only the poeple that cretae the mods can answer this and no one wants to talk

if I find out anything i will let you know, and if you find out anything you let me know ok

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so you are saying that you need to have the regestration code to do something with it.

than i need to look for regestration code first and then look how to use the tools and i heard it is very difficult to mod so this is going to be like "hell" :evil: and you are saying that no one wants to help that makes mods themself.

well today i'm going to look at the carmods.dat cuz i think (almost sure) that i need to add my own new made paintjobs.

last i downloaded a mod with 4 whole new paintjobs for a car that hadn't paintjobs so i'm going to look at that car closely and look what will happen if i just delete some codes that are there.

if i get something to know about it and know how to add "whole new paintjobs" ill let you know and i will make a nice tut of it so evryone will know that.

so if i get something to know i will not be like those other modders that are not sharing there knowledge off modding the "gta" games cuz they want fame even if they will share there knowledge they would even be more famous then if they don't cuz people will like them more and that they won't think that they just want to be "famous" you can't be famous if people don't like you.

so if a good GTA modder is reading this plz share your knowledge.

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"first update making paintjobs"

well as i said i was going to try to make my own paintjobs will it works just with img tool that is how far i came cuz i made a really simple hermes paintjob that said "hi" nothing more or less so added it and some other cuz all cars have 3 paintjobs that had paintjobs added them in img tool and rebuild archeve.

than i looked ingame and saw that the car whas whole white with no "hi" on it

so i need to look some more for that

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  tha gta dude said:
"first update making paintjobs"

well as i said i was going to try to make my own paintjobs will it works just with img tool that is how far i came cuz i made a really simple hermes paintjob that said "hi" nothing more or less so added it and some other cuz all cars have 3 paintjobs that had paintjobs added them in img tool and rebuild archeve.

than i looked ingame and saw that the car whas whole white with no "hi" on it

so i need to look some more for that

All I know is that the actual shape and outside of the car is done through the .dff

and in ZModeler you need to have either a paid version or registered version in order to import a .dff into it in order to change it....

Once you get the registration code this is just a heads up:

Not all .dff can be imported some are locked and you need to unlock them.....

Now I have read people saying you can unlock .dff files with everything ranging from RWAynalize all the way to a Vice city .dff unlocker tool....But who knows people like to say all sorts of stuff without explination that leads to nothing but more questions

I will get you the registraion code and PM it to you today in a little while

  tha gta dude said:
"first update making paintjobs"

well as i said i was going to try to make my own paintjobs will it works just with img tool that is how far i came cuz i made a really simple hermes paintjob that said "hi" nothing more or less so added it and some other cuz all cars have 3 paintjobs that had paintjobs added them in img tool and rebuild archeve.

than i looked ingame and saw that the car whas whole white with no "hi" on it

so i need to look some more for that

All I know is that the actual shape and outside of the car is done through the .dff

and in ZModeler you need to have either a paid version or registered version in order to import a .dff into it in order to change it....

Once you get the registration code this is just a heads up:

Not all .dff can be imported some are locked and you need to unlock them.....

Now I have read people saying you can unlock .dff files with everything ranging from RWAynalize all the way to a Vice city .dff unlocker tool....But who knows people like to say all sorts of stuff without explination that leads to nothing but more questions

I will get you the registraion code and PM it to you today in a little while

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