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Tommy Vercetti?

Harwood Butcher

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I know but Im just saying we all should bear this in mind. No one is better then anyone else, no one is suprior. Yes there is a heirchy system which is fair but it doesnt mean that anyone should use that as a reason to look down on others. Respect has to be earned and being a vetran doesnt mean that they are suprior to everyone else and that anyone who doesnt agree with their opinions is inferior. Respect has to be earned and we all need to respect each others views.

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spaz, will you take your head out of your ass and keep it out? Acting like tough shit on the internet? Cut your hair you girl

Btw, recently I got a PM from The GTA Master, he claims that douchebag is, infact, supposed to be spelt dooshbag ROFLMAOLOLCOPTERROFFLEWAFFLESK8LOLS

You guys just wait for VCS to come out. And spaz thr girl, show me when he has been right about one of his far fetched ideas

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  tommy vercetti guy said:
spaz, will you take your head out of your ass and keep it out? Acting like tough shit on the internet? Cut your hair you girl

Btw, recently I got a PM from The GTA Master, he claims that douchebag is spelt dooshbag ROFLMAOLOLCOPTERROFFLEWAFFLESK8LOLS

Wow, dude. You're an idiot... YOU'RE the one with your head up your ass. I'M MOCKING YOU, YOU FOOL. Calling me feminine? Yeah, I am. I'm both feminine in masculine. Submissive and dominant. I won't deny any of it. And just because you're in the WRONG right now you have to attack the fact that I have long hair? People like my hair, I like my hair, so just STFU and keep unrelated cosmetical issues out of you're arrogant stupid arguments.

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  tommy vercetti guy said:
Haha, ok, im sorry. I just hate anyone without a mohawk :P

We can let this topic rest for a week(?) or so intill VCS gets released and we can find out

........ TVG are you on something? You're acting..... Different.....

When is the release date again? I forgot it like, right after I heard it...

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  Spaz The Great said:
Someone quicky post proof that thats not tommy so this asshole can shut the f*** up

You aren't quoting him..... That was SOMEONE else saying it was because of his facial structure. He isn't claiming it's Tommy for THE LAST GOD DAMN TIME. f***ING PAY ATTENTION YOU HYPOCRITICAL SELF-ABSORDED OVERLY EGOTISTICAL ASSHOLE. He said he THINKS that it is POSSIBLE for it to be Tommy. He understands FULLY that it could very well not be him. He's bringing up POSSIBILITIES, not what he thinks is the definite answer.

To some people, there is a difference. I always looked at them as different things((jail and prison)).

So since he's "new" he can't back talk a veteran? Well, I've been here THREE years. I'm more veteran than you. Learn your place and shut your mouth. Oh, BTW, don't back talk me, I'm a VETERAN. :rolleyes:

TVG is NOT being open minded..... He is saying Tommy is NO WAY EVER POSSIBLY GOING to be in VCS, while OGM is saying that he COULD be in the game, but we don't know for sure, which is what the better choice is because NONE OF US f***ING KNOW.

Wow, YOU have the nerve to call someone's username shitty? Ha........ Wow...... You make me laugh. Jealous of your superiority? The way I see it, you aren't superior to just about anyone right about now. I respect OGM loads more than I do you. Why? Because I've known him over at GTAP, and yes, WE DID ARGUE ABOUT OPINIONS, but just as he is doing right now, I was simply saying that I didn't think his opinions were possible. Guess what? He was right. I've seen him make 2-3 predictions and see them come true. You're just yelling out of your ass because you're pissed off at him for stating his opinion. I don't see how anyone can respect you for that.

Thanks for explaining for the 4th time in this topic what this whole topic is about. I dont get why people like TVG dont get what I'v been posting about.

  I just shot a bear said:
I know but Im just saying we all should bear this in mind. No one is better then anyone else, no one is suprior. Yes there is a heirchy system which is fair but it doesnt mean that anyone should use that as a reason to look down on others. Respect has to be earned and being a vetran doesnt mean that they are suprior to everyone else and that anyone who doesnt agree with their opinions is inferior. Respect has to be earned and we all need to respect each others views.

Dude you were sideing with TVG and he was doing all those things you were saying we shouldnt. Doesnt make sense one bit.

  tommy vercetti guy said:
spaz, will you take your head out of your ass and keep it out? Acting like tough shit on the internet? Cut your hair you girl

Btw, recently I got a PM from The GTA Master, he claims that douchebag is, infact, supposed to be spelt dooshbag ROFLMAOLOLCOPTERROFFLEWAFFLESK8LOLS

You guys just wait for VCS to come out. And spaz thr girl, show me when he has been right about one of his far fetched ideas

Dude look at the deffinition of your word "douche bag", Definition. I wasnt calling you a small syringe that is used chiefly for vaginal lavage. :weird: Dooshbag is a slang word that has been going around meaning dumbass and dipshit etc. which I explained in the PM I sent you.

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  Original GTA Master said:
Dude look at the deffinition of your word "douche bag", Definition. I wasnt calling you a small syringe that is used chiefly for vaginal lavage. :weird: Dooshbag is a slang word that has been going around meaning dumbass and dipshit etc. which I explained in the PM I sent you.

That's the entire point of the insult, dude....... The fact that you're equating someone to something that you use to clean your vagina with.....

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  Spaz The Great said:
  Original GTA Master said:

Dude look at the deffinition of your word "douche bag", Definition. I wasnt calling you a small syringe that is used chiefly for vaginal lavage. :weird: Dooshbag is a slang word that has been going around meaning dumbass and dipshit etc. which I explained in the PM I sent you.

That's the entire point of the insult, dude....... The fact that you're equating someone to something that you use to clean your vagina with.....

Well with the way I'v heard the term "dooshbag" used, it wouldnt fit with that deffinietion of "douche bag". But whatever. If someone could make up a stupid as word like "noob" I sure as hell could make up my own f***ing word.

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  Spaz The Great said:
Of course it doesn't fit the description, neither does "asshole". None of us are walking anal cavities..... It's the same principle. And "dickhead". These insults aren't meant to be literal.....

ok whatever this whole thing will end up being another jail/prison spam topic so lets just stop here. I always understood that word to be "associated" with the words dumbass and dipshit. But from now on instead of confusing others and myself I'll just say "You f***ing vaginal cavity". There now everyones happy.

Back on topic. Just incase you guys didnt do this yet. Go watch the intro to Vice City and watch how Tommy ducks down and then watch the VCS Trailer, with supposedly Tommy in it, and watch how he ducks down in there...same exact way pretty much.

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  I just shot a bear said:
I thought all the protagnists crouched the same but only CJ could walk while crouching.

Exacly. All the peds in GTAVC ducked the same way as Tommy, try getting into a gun fight with the cops, some cop will duck behine cars and they duck exacly like Tommy. In LCS (which is built on GTAVC btw) although Toni cant duck, peds still can. In one mission a ped was looking at a gravestone and he was crouching just like Tommy does in Vice City. So GTA MAster, stop with your bullshit about the guy crouching like Tommy because well, EVERYONE CROUCHES LIKE TOMMY

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  tommy vercetti guy said:
So GTA MAster, stop with your bullshit about the guy crouching like Tommy because well, EVERYONE CROUCHES LIKE TOMMY

If everyone crouches like Tommy, then that guy crouching like Tommy isn't BS, genius.

  tommy vercetti guy said:
yes, cops crouched. Here you go GTA Master, Tommy's crouch and a cops crouch, the same. Eat your own shit.

Dude, stop being so cocky about things. You are getting way overly defensive and you are being an asshole about this.

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  tommy vercetti guy said:
  I just shot a bear said:

I thought all the protagnists crouched the same but only CJ could walk while crouching.

Exacly. All the peds in GTAVC ducked the same way as Tommy, try getting into a gun fight with the cops, some cop will duck behine cars and they duck exacly like Tommy. In LCS (which is built on GTAVC btw) although Toni cant duck, peds still can. In one mission a ped was looking at a gravestone and he was crouching just like Tommy does in Vice City. So GTA MAster, stop with your bullshit about the guy crouching like Tommy because well, EVERYONE CROUCHES LIKE TOMMY

:rofl2: I'm talking about a cut scene not game play LOL.

EDIT: I guess I'll have to make a video or something if you guys still dont get what im talking about.

Besides you should have known at the beginning that I ment cut scenes since the only video clip we have of "Tommy" in VCS is in a cut scene.

Edited by Original GTA Master
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