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How to fly a plane


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There is this one plane that i have to fly to drop off fliers for the movie studio guys for their movie, except i have no clue how to fly the plane. I have a PC, so i need to know how using those controls. And also, how to fly any helicopter correctly, because all i can do is swerve with it, i can't get it fly straight without it stopping in midair and just hovering. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

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The default controls for flying a Skimmer is NUM6 to gain altitude and NUM9 to lose altitude. Pressing Up just forwards the plane.

YES TRUE! :coolthumbup: And num1 is to lean back and num2 is to lean foward in the helicopter, Q is to turn lrft and E is to turn right. There you go! :coolthumbup::thumbsup:

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I guess you'll have to configure your controls to make the Skimmer fly.

where can i go for that?

Just go to:

1: Options,

2:Referine Controls and see what suits you :) :) ;) ;)

I have looked in there already, but all it lists are the player and car controls, there are no options for planes or helicopters.

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