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Spaz's Outaluck Mystery Shop

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I just noticed how unfortunate the current stock situation was, and realised I needed to help people out.

Here I shall be selling a few different weapon packages for set prices. The catch is, said weapons will be chosen at random((I assure you, I will not purposely rip you off)). So if you have money, but the lack of a place to buy a few guns, buy from me. I'll send you a package of the size you requested as soon as I have the money.

Package Items Price
Small Package 5 $5,000
Medium Package 10 $10,000
Large Package 20 $20,000
Spaz's Special Package 50 $40,000

Well, that's that, if you're interested. If no one is interested after a while, screw it.

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I could've sworn I added in there that heavy artillery((vehicles, army shit)) wouldn't be in these..... I'm sorry, when most vehicles cost more than my packages alone..... No..... Just, no.....

Will I be losign some of my money or anything like that?

Say what? You'll be losing all the money you send to me. I'm not sending your money BACK to you.... Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of charging you for the weapons in the first place?

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I could've sworn I added in there that heavy artillery((vehicles, army shit)) wouldn't be in these..... I'm sorry, when most vehicles cost more than my packages alone..... No..... Just, no.....

Will I be losign some of my money or anything like that?

Say what? You'll be losing all the money you send to me. I'm not sending your money BACK to you.... Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of charging you for the weapons in the first place?

yeah ps3 what ya talk about manb ya confusing yaself

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