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NSanityHD last won the day on November 10 2015

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About NSanityHD

  • Birthday 02/02/1993

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  • Favourite GTA
    GTA IV
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    Cambridge, UK

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  1. Long time no see, BL, how have you been? With VI on the way and only available to next-gen consoles I hear the pricetag (or at least for UK pricing) is roughly £100 now(?) For a damn GAME. I can say for sure I'm not purchasing a console just to play GTA VI.
  2. Hey guys. Is there a 100% savegame for Vice City on Steam for Mac OS X? I've tried to download some of the Steam version saves but it crashes the game when loading on my MacBook. If anyone could find a working save game file that works on Mac OS X, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
  3. I'm sure people have better things to do than to say something to amuse you. Most have jobs, go to university, school/college/social life activities, etc.
  4. Can you not spam it around different GTA forums? That's no way to promote viewing of your videos positively.
  5. A lot of us still come and check around the forums every now and then I think. I still snoop around the forums every now and then to see if anything has changed etc.
  6. I noticed that. Whether or not we've all misunderstood the update announcement or that R* has indeed lied to us AGAIN, I don't know. The R* lying part wouldn't surprise me though.
  7. [12/18/14] GTAV Title Update 1.19 (PS3/Xbox 360), 1.05 (PS4/Xbox One) So apparently R* have added first person mode with auto level camera settings to the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of the game in update 1.19 with the below additions and fixes. -- In addition to the title update, for the Christmas holiday(s), R* has added Snowy weather with the ability to throw snowballs! Consequently showball fighting takes minor damage on the player who gets hit by a snowball, which is great, right?? - It also looks amazing. When throwing snowballs at vehicles, signs, buildings, etc it leaves a snow splash when thrown! The snowy weather has however made driving VERY difficult! And quite dangerous when speeding as vehicles become a little harder to control. It's all in great fun! If you've logged into GTA Online recently with the Snowy weather, the Homing missiles (guided seeker missiles etc) post below your comments and thoughts on the update! My gameplay video will be up on YouTube later today! - Check my channel for that! Here's 3 screenshots taken from my Elgato Game Capture HD! Enjoy, and hope everyone has a great Christmas!
  8. Apparently R* released this update "too early" or something. They've cut down the total earnings from these new DLC jobs from when they first released it. There's a lot of people raging about it or something. I started the flight school missions and got to the "Follow Leader" test to which I raged after having failed it 4 times, then passed it on the 5th attempt.
  9. Maxton, advertising your website is not allowed at TGTAP mate. http://www.thegtaplace.com/forums/topic/2-forum-rules/
  10. The update is actually pretty cool. I definitely like the new Super Zentorno!
  11. As per the Forum Rules TGTAP does not provide support for people who pirate any Grand Theft Auto related game, nor does it allow discussion of warez.
  12. I hardly ever post on either GTA fansites anymore. GTAForums mostly because some if not almost all of the members just "troll" like little children...and/or because they're no longer as active as they used to be. Like TGTAP, iGTA etc. Back in the day, TGTAP was amazing with activity. Lots of members on at one time. Some awesome people...but 10 years online is a long ass time. And true, TGTAP is still growing, but there's hardly any posts anymore.
  13. So I was asleep an hour ago until I awoke because of the temperature in my bedroom is unbearable to sleep in. Bored, I randomly thought of a riddle...just thinking about random things..and then BOOM! This hit the top of my list. Use imagination to figure it out. It's all about imagination and your own reasonable ideas! Imagine you're in a dark room. You can't see a thing, yet you know there are 3 doors. One is guarded by spiders, the other, daggers. And the last, a tunnel of wind. How do you get out?
  14. Surprisingly, I haven't received a warning for quite some time. My last warning was in June, 2011.
  15. Hi Inspiron, welcome to The GTA Place! Not sure if this method will work precisely and am not suggesting it be a permanent "fix" to your crashes but it's worth a try. Try going to Start -> Control Panel -> System. Then go to "System Properties" and Select "Data Excecution Prevention" and you're going to want to select "Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select:". Now browse for the "gta-vc.exe" excecutable and add it to the list. You may need to reboot your computer for these changes to take effect, however it should resolve the crashing problem you're currently experiencing.
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