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Posts posted by EvoLuTioN

  1. I came here since I went to this other site but the GTA doesnt stand for Grand Theft Auto, I think it stands for Gay Theft Accuesations since the mods there think cuzza my age and race that I am a theif for some reason...

    I wonder why?? ;)

    How do you talk Triad??

    Enough. Move it elsewhere or I'll move a temp posting ban your way. Your choice.

    Aww, Now look what you have done,you made Jared mad!!

    Anyways coming back on topic Welcom Ali and Martin

    Ali are from India too??

  2. As a new member I have to ask, what are these gangs I see in userbars?

    I think its something like u and ur friendz here make a posse ad do shit...

    Anyone else have problems understanding what was just said here? Please, use full words, your not typing on a phone, keyboards aren't that hard to use are they, really?

    I think he said "Its were you and your friends pose while shitting"

    @MPG :Not to be rude or anything, but common dude sat typing the whole word or soon you'll be flamed by all the other users, AND thats something you dont want!!

  3. AVG does have some bugs, but it dosent use up much of the memory or the Internet. I used to have an Antivirus some time back (I dont remember the name) it used to detect a virus every 10mins and the warning used to go off like a nuke siren(literally). Damn thing used to freak me out!!

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