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Posts posted by YellowJacket

  1. I can't remember if I posted these or not...sorry anyways for repeats but yeah, my hands shake <_<



    Also, my puppy Oscar....when he was actually a small puppy. He will be two in October and now we have two Boston Terriers. The other puppy actually turns 5 months old today.


    Aaaaw, how cute :)

    Both (or Booth, correct me) of ya.

    Wait...what? LOL.

  2. I can't remember if I posted these or not...sorry anyways for repeats but yeah, my hands shake <_<



    Also, my puppy Oscar....when he was actually a small puppy. He will be two in October and now we have two Boston Terriers. The other puppy actually turns 5 months old today.


  3. Long distance relationships kinda suck, but they can work out I guess if you're both committed.

    But the bad things are:

    you don't see them very often

    can be harder to trust them - it's easy for them to have a relationship with someone else, and harder for you to find out

    it's harder to get to know each other personally since you won't be with each other as often

    phone bills will be pretty high, or internet usage, whatever

    Sometimes though, not seeing them often is better. For example, my husband was on midnight shift from September to January and then he was on afternoon shift (130PM-10PM) and my shift is 7AM-330PM so I only saw him for about a minute or two at work (we work at the same place) when he was on afternoons and on the weekends he would wake up at around 3PM so I would get maybe 6 hours with him and that was it. When he was on midnights, I pretty much just talked to him everyday. The thing is, it makes you miss them more. People tend to get irritated for no reason if they se each other all the time so when you have a break like this, it brings you closer. That lasted from September until May. Now he on dayshift (1030AM-7PM) so I get more time with him and on weekends we wake up at the same time.

    I think it realy depends how far in the relationship you are though. If you are just starting out, chances are, one or both partners will cheat. This can happen to people who have been together for a while too but people starting out don't really get the same feelings for each other as people who have been together and been through a lot.

  4. I'm obviously not a guy but I think I can answer that...kinda <_<

    There are of course lots of guys who don't care as much about looks and actually do go for things like personality. IMO, people who just go for looks are shallow as hell but that's a whole other topic.

    I think that because guys are more visual than women, they go for the pretty faces as opposed to the nice girl. Women are more into nice guy who is comforting and is a shoulder to cry on and caring and makes her feel protected. I know that I am personally not into that macho muscle man type, it's nasty to me. It's more personality for women and looks for guys.

  5. thats exactly right Jade. I have no respect for slutty girls, they just have no self respect or shame. They are just very insecure and want to reassurance to make them feel better about themselves, even though they are just being used.

    I've seen your pictures and I don't get why people think you're a slut. You look NOTHING like one. I could understand if maybe you had your chest hanging out everywhere but you dress nicely. People who think that about you must say that because they are jealous of you. You're a nice looking girl and probably get attention that they don't but you don't have to have your ass hanging out to get that attention and that is why they are jealous so they have to try to bring you down so they can feel better.

  6. I've been to too many forums in the past 4 years to remember but the only thing I ever ran into weirdness was from my other favourite forum, SNK-Capcom Dot Com, where a girl was OBSESSED with Terry Bogard from the Fatal Fury series and she wrote diaries talking about her "experiences" with Terry (one is example is that she "met him at a park and they had a picnic)....I gave her tons of red rep, haha.

    Anyways, just since we are talking about other forums, I'll just give a list of where I post, incase other people are interested in finding me:

    SNK-Capcom Dot Com-Jade

    GTA Gaming-YellowJacket

    Resident Evil Unleashed-JadeSpeyer

    REHorror-KillerBee (used to be SniperRifle)

    Resident Evil Fan-JadeSpeyer

    Totally Resident Evil-JadeSpeyer


    TRMK-XxJadexX (moderator)

    Mortal Kombat Secrets-ThunderGod

    Street Fighter Devotion-Elita_One

    That's all I can remember right now. There's about 300 more forums lol. Resident Evil Fan was the first one I joined on March 11, 2004. I was sick and puking my brains out that week and I stayed home from college so I joined it. Resident Evil=Obsession.

  7. Why are sluts... well, sluts? Being made fun of and used all the time doesn't exactly sound appealing..

    Females like that have no self respect. They have no morals. To me, they are sad cases (and by that I mean pathetic).

    There are different types of sluts really, depending on what definition(s) you use. For example, there is the true meaning of sluts and I personally use slut to describe some people on the internet. I've been to a lot of forums since 2004 and time and time again I see females who post pictures of themselves half naked and shit like that. Seriously, just don't. They do it in VIDEO GAME forums. If you want to do that shit, go to a damn dating forum. Those females are the ones who need to get attention and want to be popular and, since we all know most video game forums are a sausagefest, they post pictures of themselves that they think are sexy but are actually trashy. They don't realize they are making an ass of themself. Of course the guys are going to start drooling, it's obvious because GUYS ARE VISUAL and love the sight of breasts and skin. Doesn't even really matter what the girl's face looks like, as long as breasts and more skin is visable, they'll like it. It isn't their fault, it's just the way guys are made but you'd figure a female would be smart enough to not be a trashy bitch and, for the record, me saying this in no way means that I am jealous. I am incredibly happy with my looks and don't need to post half naked pictures of myself to get noticed.

    On the arguing point, if you argue everyday, get out of your relationship because it isn't going to work. Arguing once in a while is healthy because the fact is, not every decision will be agreed upon. Two people that come together are different. They have their own beliefs, opinions, likes, dislikes, there is just no way a couple can agree on every single thing.

  8. Hi. Me female. You male.

    I have more pets than you.


    Oscar-Boston Terrier-1 year old

    Elvis-Boston Terrier-5 months old

    Bear-Shetland Sheepdog-15 years old

    Annabelle-Bouvier-1 year old


    Isabelle-7 years old

    Lisa-6 years old

    Buddy-1 year old

    Ozzy-1 year old

    Nikki-11 years old

    I had two gerbils last year, Stevie and Yzerman (Go Red Wings) but they died :(

    Oh, and rats are the coolest pets to have. I had one named Vinny but he got sick and died a few years ago. I also had a number of rabbits and budgies and other dogs and cats. I <3 animals and went to college for Animal Care <3

  9. Please don't make a topic about me.

    The thing is, we're great friends, since 3rd grade. Now she wants me to be her boyfriend. But I don't, I'm not interested in her like that. I haven't replied yet, but what do I say to her? Shit, this is going to make things totally awkward between us.

    Tell her the truth and be nice about it.

    Next time she mentions it, just tell her that you really love her as a friend and you really want to keep her as just a friend. Tell her you don't feel the same way and you are flattered that she feels that way about you but say you don't want to ruin a good thing, which is your friendship, by being in a relationship where you don't feel the same way. If she gets upset, give her a few days. If she doesn't ever want to talk to you again, she's a horrible friend.

    The main thing is to be honest. Don't tell people what they want to hear. Tell them the truth.

  10. I love the age question so I'll answer that first and then I'll answer the general girl thing.

    Age is nothing but a number, in MOST cases. I can see a bit of a problem when one person is 60 and the other is 13 but we aren't all pedos.

    A lot of people think that a relationship with an age difference wont work because of different interests, etc. and the people that say that are the ones that couldn't choose a partner properly. My husband is 12 years older than I am. My parents are 10 years apart and his parents are 20 years apart. Granted, my parents got divorced because my dad used to be a drinker but it had nothing to do with age, my husbands parents are still together after decades and my husband and I are hitting 5 years in January. He acts like I do and likes the same things I do. Age never was an issue and it means nothing. A relationship works because of the people involved, not because of what age they are. That's why people like Catherine Zeta-Jones and Micheal Douglas are still together after a long time and these stupid young couples close in age aren't. They make it work. They get the stupid age thing brought up but they don't care and they show that age really is just a number and things work out because they make it work themselves. Final though: age is nothing but a number and it has no effect on your relationship because if you really love each other, you both compromise to make the relationship work.

    Next, from reading quickly most of the posts here, it seems that a lot of you have the question of whether you should go tell a girl your feelings and ask her out.

    You can't make a person like you and go out with you. It's a hard thing too when the girl is your friend because if you tell her your true feelings, it might ruin your friendship. My advice to hang out, see what the girl likes doing and hold back your feelings for a while. The bottom line is, BE HONEST AND STRAIGHT UP WITH HER. If she is really your friend, she wont let your feelings ruin your friendship. Just don't go all out and tell her you want to screw her and shit. Just throw out hints at first. Tell her she is an amazing girl, she's fun, she's cool, anything that sort of hints that you like her but doesn't come straight out yet. If she picks up the signals, go for it. Just sit down with her one day and tell her you hope it doesn't ruin the friendship but you have feelings for her and wonder if she has feelings for you. Just make sure you make her feel comfortable. Tell her you wont get hurt, regardless of what her feelings are for you. You don't want to make her feel pressured. If she tells you she is interested in you, don't go all out and think you are BF/GF right away. Tell her you want to date for a while and see what happens before making that decision of whether you really want her as a GF. People could be different, you just have to date for a while to REALLY get to know them and the way they are. If she turns you down, just tell her that she is a very special friend and her decision wont ruin the friendship and let her know you want her as a friend still.

    Basically, it's a catch 22. If you tell her your feelings, she might feel the same way. On the other hand, she might be one of those retarded girls who gets offended and upset (seriously, what kind of girl DOESN'T want guys to like her? I'll never understand why they get upset about it) but if that happens, she really wasn't much of a friend in the first place.

    Be honest, don't sugercoat things and go for it. If it was meant to be, it will happen. If it wasn't, you just hold your head high and move on to better things. The key is to be patient. You might like a girl this week but next week your feelings might fade. Don't rush and don't feel bad if it doesn't go your way. It will hurt in the beginning but you'll get over it. There is someone for everyone.

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