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Posts posted by YellowJacket

  1. You are the best, that is exactly what I say but nooooo Im just seen as frigid or sad.

    I dont overlly see the facsination with sex and I hate the people who are so slaggy and go on about how much sex they get and they are therefore better.

    A woman (she's terribly ugly, by the way....basically, just picture a fat, 48 year old, thin lipped lesbian looking woman who looks like she lives in a trailer...only she somehow landed a guy who probably just uses her for a roof over his head and either has a beautiful girl on the side or is always drunk because no sober guy would even think of touching her sober...) at my work always talks about sex so we know she hadly gets it. No one who actually gets it talks about it every two seconds.

  2. I LOVE X-Men. I started collecting Marvel cards when I was in grade 3 and I still have my collection. Probably worth loads of cash now.

    Storm is my favourite. My friends and I would pretend we were the X-Men and I was Storm....the white version......fun times being a kid.

  3. 99% of the time, the ad forum gets wasted. People post their link, get 3 responses and then the thread isn't touched again.

    If people want to join a forum, they will be willing to click on the link in your sig. Most personal forums are a failure though, especially if it's about the same thing in the forum you are in. For example, it would be stupid for one of us to make a GTA forum and advertise it in our sigs. We might as well just continue to post in this GTA forum.

    It's not to say that people wont join a GTA forum like yours, it's just that you will get a limited number of people. I join everything though <_<

  4. If I need to do something infront of a lot of people, I just pretend I am someone else and that when people are looking at me, it really isn't me they are looking at. The mind is a powerful thing. If you try hard to imagine something to this effect, you can do it. Pretend you are invisible.

    Another thing you can do is think of what's th worst that can happen. If you screw up, so what. Don't get embarrassed, make a joke out of it instead. It will loosen you up even more.

  5. Ta ^_^

    Yeah people think that just because Im Bi that I will go for any girl and I must try it on with my friends. Someone even thought me and my best friend must have had sex even though she is straight.

    Yeah, that's so stupid. One of my high school friends was bi and people thought that just because she hung out with myself and our other female friends, she must want to do us.

    It's such a stupid stereotype.

  6. well...I know and I agree that there are females that use their compromising pictures to get attention and to get feedback about how great and sexy they are...but Kokane is not like that

    I never joined this forum to do that, I still post pictures because I know Chris likes them, and he’s not the only one. People from this forum asked me to post more so that means there are still guys that enjoy them.

    And anyway they are not porn. If someone else would have posted a picture in a bathing suit at the beach it would have been ok, but if I post my pictures covering more than a bathing suit would, its not ok, and anyway you cant compare my photos with porn, even victoriassecret.com has more revealing pictures, but it's ok for them, they're just models dressed in lingerie, they dont look cheap, that's their job.

    Anyway I’m just saying that if there are still member that want me to post pictures I’ll keep posting, if not I wont cuz I don’t do it for myself anyway, I don’t wanna hear anything like “wooa you’re sexy” or stuff like that, and people that know me also know that I’ld never use my body to get anything, I have enough brain.

    and yes, there are kids on this..mature rated game forum

    and Chris, how many female members are from the total of 9,496 registered members?

    There is nothing wrong with posting pictures of yourself. I like to do it too but it's the quality of the picture. It makes you look trashy/slutty/trampy/whatever you want to refer it as. Guys are horny. It's a fact. In a sausagefest forum, which is basically all of them, of course guys will want to see pictures of the girls. They tend to like to stare at pictures of scantily clad girls because that's how guys are. Women have beautiful bodies and guys like that. It doesn't mean every girl should go shoot half naked pictures of themself. You just come across conceided, like you love yourself just a little too much. Saying you don't use your body and actually not using your body are two different things. I don't think I have ever seen a picture of you without skin showing, not to mention a picture where you actually sat there naked. I still can't believe a person would do that. It' so trashy.

    Look at the other females in the forum. I think every female here is pretty but we don't have to post those kinds of pictures to get noticed. I personally think that if you post a picture of yourself from the shoulders up and guys comment you, that means more than a picture where you're standing there in barely anything and getting a comment because guess what? You're getting a comment because your skin is showing, not because of your pretty face.

    I don't have anything against you and when I say trashy/slutty/trampy I don't actually mean you are, it's your pictures that give that impression. I am sure you are a nice person but you really should respect yourself more. I just find it hard to believe that you post those pictures and NOT want guys to comment. If you don't want guys to say "ooh, you're sexy", you wouldn't post those pictures.

    That's just my two cents. I don't mean to offend or anything, I just wish more girls could respect their bodies and not give in to the whole getting guy's attention idea by posting their bodies to a bunch of strangers over the internet. Your body is yours alone and shouldn't be shared with the entire world wide web.

    Sorry to get off topic here. That's just something I've wanted to say for a while.

  7. We get 360s returned to our DC on a daily basis....skids and skids and skids of them.....and then we get customers come in to our Will Call area and try to get their money back and have us repair it but we don't do repairs, we just ship them out, so the customer has to contact Microsoft.

  8. I'm sorry but I really have to get this out. First off, it has nothing to do with jealousy. I am very happy with my looks.

    Why the hell do you post pictures of yourself like that? Letting everything hang out like that, wow. Especially in a forum where there are younger kids here. Not only that but it makes you look cheap. Seriously, you're either naked or scantily clad. I posted a picture with a bit of midriff once but nothing else hung out. It was jeans and a sweatshirt. No cleavage, no asscrack.

    I don't know if you just do it to get attention but I can't believe you don't have any respect for yourself. If you did, you wouldn't go prancing around a forum posting pictures like that. I've seen a lot of females do that sort of thing as a cry for attention but I am happy that the other females here post respectable pictures of themselves. Everyone is beautiful and don't need to post trashy pictures to get people to pay attention to them.

    I don't mean to come across as an ass but it makes me sad to see girls who lower themselves so much. Having confidence is great, I have it too, but I have enough respect for myself, my body and my husband not to go posting pictures like that.

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