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Posts posted by Bryzed

  1. Yay! A newb that has a good idea! That means there's a good chance he won't turn into a n00b. :gir voice: I loooove yoouuu!

    Stop beeing so, offensive dude, wonder why we have less members....lol

    Well, if you have three or more stars and go into a Fast Food place, you can take the cops that come in hostage.

    Great, we have hostages that actually shoot you! *Dumbass* :lolbounce:

  2. I have 2 things to add to this topic.

    1. This topic should be closed, as its spam.

    2. Aemboy just said...

    Why the gently caress would you want to blow up the WTC? Your a frolicking asshole.

    Meaning he flamed someone else outside the dungeon, and thats penalized with a warning.


  3. Well good luck with your site.

    I say this to all new GTA sites though, I don't believe they will ever gain much popularity. If you take a look at all the top GTA sites, you will realise they've all been around for a few years and have built up a good reputation, and have loyal fans always on the site.

    I would imagine it would be very hard to pull these loyal fans away from the well respected sites, since they probably feel at home there and wont wish to join anymore sites on the same subject.

    It's the truth though, but still, if you're a good webmaster you never know, you could do an excellent job.

    That's how I feel. No offence, but NO MORE GTA FORUMS. Or sites, for that matter. I am perfectly fine with GTAWH and TGTAP. What news and stuff I don't get at one site, I get at the other. It's so 1337.

    Well, i agree with both of you, but spaz, try to be more positive, this topic if for people to check the site, not think that thegtaplace is the only gta thing related in the entire internet :nope:

  4. Hello? Heeelloooooo? If somebody is still checking this topic, tell me if you want me to show a pic of me?I have 2, and im willing to hear the peoples thought. Lol....

    I might even accept a challenge of sexy pictures against our MOMENTARELY sexiest member : Spaz.

    Well, if someone does answer, i'll post both pics i have, and well, later on, if people like them(of course they will) i will post more.

    Lol :wub::wub: Lol

  5. Alryt, anyways, could you guys still check the topic in GTA Webring, for those that have problems with .tk domains, i just added the real url.

    Anyways, after asking to check my topic i have to ask, that we all go back to topic.

    Chris, i think, that in the rules you should add a section for this sort of things.

  6. Oh its a redirection.

    Heres the real url:

    GTA Discussion

    If you wonder, yeah, its gtadimension.com . Which will stop existing when the new network is launched.

    Btw, the SanAndreas site is about to be finished. We are now doing the last section. The walkthrough, that guides you through the entire game in detail. So its going to take a while until its officially launched, but ey, we are almost there.

  7. Its kinda unfair, because mvi got to send almost everyone a personal pm, what made most register at his forums, but i did the right thing, and well, its less productive. So i have an idea for chris:

    If you want people to follow the rules, they must have something to win by following them, if not; they wont.

    Anyways, guys, lol, i mentioned it before, a few days ago i posted a new topic in GTA Webring, so check it out! :whistle:

    And remember, i did the right thing! :lolbounce::lolbounce:

  8. Well i need help, and ofcourse its not big, because it just started, anyways, i'm not going to be like others and say, oh yes, soon it will have the greatest thing ever!!

    No, it will be forums just like this one, or hopefully better :D . But i would like you to join and participate, make it a good and big community. I'll be talking to chris to see if we could arrange something special within both forums.

    So guys, i think you can afford to have your name listed in one more forums, and i think you can afford to participate in it.

    Thanks in advance

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