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Everything posted by Kayo

  1. Ok , I needed a sig and decided to go with a funny theme. So I searched on google a picture of a "wigga" , changed it up a bit and put a simple sig togheter. Yet again I am having trouble saving as PNg for some odd reason so I had to go with jpg "transparency". this is the sig: (its not over any limit , I checked... bufu=by us , gently caress you... I saw that in a movie and thought it was funny ) and the original picture: Like ? Dislike ?
  2. This reminds me fo the old GTA SA trailer. It was actually very well done and it didn't look fake. If you still have the link to that trailer, can you post it please ?
  3. That's okay - theres a first to learning everything I guess . I also see you changed your forum's name to "GTA Center" - that sounds a lot better and pretty cool. I like your forums, thanks for the name change as well . Nice tosee this issue was solved in a simple way. I've seen osmething similar to this taking place and it turned in some kind of flame war between 2 animals
  4. I've been here for a long time , GTAWH is not the only forum I'm part of I've been here for long , I just changed my username to kayo becouse my old one was plain stupid
  5. It looks great Spas , I allways loved yuor work
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