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Posts posted by Kayo

  1. I am advertising this site on gta warehouse so i might go from 2.5% respect to 6% respect and go from 96% noob to 90% noob .

    Lol.. just lol.

    You think you get respect by advertising ? Go look up the word respect on urban dictionary kid...

    God .. your frank_tenpenny at gtawh. The guy who made pointless topic about leaving or staying to get attention...

    Yes spas , GTAWH has been down since yesturday. I guess Olly pulled the plug again :P

  2. Its a banner I made for a gang at the GTAWH forums. Its nothing too complicated but that's the whole point , its supposed to be simple.


    Post your comments ;)

    edit - I see some white "stuff" in it.. I better get down fixing that

  3. I was just wondering here if you'd picked the representative yet, and when you do it may be a good idea to promote whoever gets it to a specific rank called 'Ambassador' or whatever.

    Just an idea, please don't kill me with the officialness!

    Spas ? Kiku ? jason ? ;)

    I think one of them would be a good choice however spas is allready leader so..

  4. Anybody may start a gang

    Just thought I'd mention that. :D (don't mean it in a n00by "i iz betta than yoo playa!" way)I may as well get a start.

    We I'm not saying you can't start a gang. I'm saying your not very known around here so people don't really know how good your leadership skills are

  5. Actually, it will involve the weapons from the shop. So BUY BUY BUY! Or send your money to a fellow DS member with a high interest rate. ;)

    *removed* its secret :ph34r:

  6. Quite, that's nice to hear. I'm sure that you'll be very valuable in the future Gang War.


    I've just had my interest increased by 5%. Oh yes!

    You know me jason , from gtawh ;)

    I never actually been in a war , just very close to a war so this will be interesting and fun. Maybe we can even make a RP war... genocide would own them :P

  7. Is there any way I can send my site to a search engine? How did your forum get popular?

    Well a good way to make a site popular is to get a domain name. You could get a free .tk one from www.tk and net.ms and similar domains. But don't expect to find a free .com domain. Besides that you can submit the url to google but it takes 2 moths.. they are either lazy or very busy and make advertising banners


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