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Posts posted by Kayo

  1. Nothing really.. I'm going to close Xero down though.. I'm not the guy to lead a gang..

    The gang is going back to Spaz..

    So, if you would.. just leave and save me the trouble of kicking you =\

    Its a shame really , this gang is awesome.

    A shame? No. I dis graced Xero with horrible leadership skills.

    That's not even half true. Quit thinking negative , you did a good job , I just hoped it would have lasted longer ^_^

  2. Nothing really.. I'm going to close Xero down though.. I'm not the guy to lead a gang..

    The gang is going back to Spaz..

    So, if you would.. just leave and save me the trouble of kicking you =\

    Its a shame really , this gang is awesome.

  3. I made support flags for the ARR. Any member of TGTAP may wear them

    Nice ones , I like them. Its hard to get a hold of the SA font nowadays.. its not free anymore <_<

    I shall wear a support sig.. B)

    Also Geno I noticed in the story the name used is Assasin. Shouldn't you change it to geno ?

  4. Ok cya

    @50cent:Bulletproof: 50 Cent is my favorite rapper

    50's not bad. I like some of his "old skool" songs from that Get rich or die trying album , and I like the songs he made with The Game. But songs like candy shop.. oh :wacko:

  5. Well, all the best with that Kayo, I hope that you do well with that Math's test. Hope to see you back online soon, ready to kick ass once again with the SSH.

    Well I doubt I will get more then a 85%... But I would be REALLY happy with a 80% anyway. I just feel bad for "wasting" such a cool weekend for this. The weather is beautiful and some of my friends are going at the lake but no.. I have to stay here and study some math shit so that stoned teacher o mine won't give me some random shitty grade :P

    he stinks so bad of alchool and cigarette's so he's a stoner.. kind of :unsure:

  6. Thanks everyone for positive comments , I will try to make things work out.. get some members and stuff.. :)

    Tho I might not be very active for a bit becouse I'm grounded. My parents are away for the weekend but I still can't stay on much becouse I got this stupid test at Math monday and I got to study very hard unless I want to get a 50-60%... I suck at math..

  7. Is it 'Yahgoogle'? I heard a few weeks ago that they were teaming up for the ultimate partnership.

    Welcome to the gang btw.


    *Yagoohoogle is a search engine that combines the powers of google and yahoo togheter.. or something

  8. Lmao. everyone is leaving the DS, this gang looks pretty damned good, I am certain that this will do well. Good luck my friend.

    Well I really like the Ds , but I have been planning a gabg for like... months.

    @kang - I guess your right.. I'm gonna fix it up

  9. SSHlogo.png

    Welcome to the $outh $ide Hoods public chat topic

    We are the $outh $ide Hoods , we are involved in drug deals , prostitution ,fighting... We have our piece of the action. We were once a laid back gang in Liberty City but were consumed by many gang wars and eventually had to split up. Now , the time has come to take back what is ours , we must regroup and take control of the streets once more. Our rebirth is coming and we want YOU to be part of it.

    Do you have what it takes to become a hoodie ?

    Do you have what it takes to join the elite ?

    Sit back , and chat with the hoodies.

    If you wish , make a donation for our bank account :)

    If you want to join, please go in our rec topic.

  10. SSHlogo.png

    Welcome to the $outh $ide Hoods recruitment topic

    We are the $outh $ide Hoods , we are involved in drug deals , prostitution ,fighting... We have our piece of the action. We were once a laid back gang in Liberty City but were consumed by many gang wars and eventually had to split up. Now , the time has come to take back what is ours , we must regroup and take control of the streets once more. Our rebirth is coming and we want YOU to be part of it.

    Do you have what it takes to become a hoodie ?

    Do you have what it takes to join the elite ?



    Kingpin - Kayo

    Second in command - reserved

    Thug lord - reserved

    Drug Division

    Drug Lord - open

    Drug Dealer - open

    Drug Dealer - open

    Drug Tester - open

    Weapons Division

    Gun specialist - open

    Gun dealer - open

    Gun dealer - open

    Gun runner - open

    Street Division

    Gangster - open

    Wheelman - open

    Hitman - open

    Sniper - open

    Assasin - open

    Hired muscle - open

    Turf walker - open

    Turf walker - open


    - no members currently on probation



    - We do not have strict requirements , you won't get it by post count or join date. If your a good , intelling , active member of the forum you shouldn't have any problems getting in.

    If we don't know you well we will assign you on probation , don't worry tho , you won't stay there long :)



    Graphics are designed by Kayo.







    You don't have to wear these graphics , however we do require you put something in your sig to make people see you are in this gang. A little piece of text... anything.

    More graphics will soon be made availble

    Thank you for you interest in the $$H , please come chat with us in our chat topic and if you wish , make a donation for our bank account :)

    Topic contains PNG images and is best viewed in Mozilla Firefox

  11. Does anyone here use linux ? If you do , what distribution ? ^_^

    I use Madrake Linux and I got a mandrake move CD with a CD bootable linux which I use when I got to travel somewhere.

    Any other linux fans around ? :)

  12. All you need is a little money

    I definitely agree with that. Does anyone know what exactly is going to happen to our money and inventories?

    Well the money was reset , but each official gang got a million (I think) and the inventories didn't get lost. Yay !

  13. I have a couple of suggestions to inproove the forum ;)

    1. A Karma system (aka member rating)

    This is very easy , when someone does something helpful to the forum , he gets 1 Karma star (they are like warning stars , but positive)

    Its a good way to rate members.

    2. Post wrappers

    I think members should be able to customize they're posts more. A post wrapper is a little section added in the profile where you can select what color , style , font etc your post should have. Mostly useless but fun :P

    3. I was thinking about a shoutbox.. but that only works well on smaller forums.

    4. Gang Icons

    Official gangs should have a icon to represent them and each member should have the icon in they're member group. This way it will be easy to see what gang a member belongs to and will make things cleaner.

    Just my two cents.. please comment on my suggestions

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