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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. It's pronounced Megadeth, not death Bohemian Rhapsody- Queen. Lol, ok. House of the rising sun- Animals
  2. Wel,l there could be one with a different name but still with the same looks.
  3. But is it a minor autism or a severe one?
  4. Lol, I'm 30% gay, WTF?
  5. Ivan

    hey, what's your msn?

  6. Well, I understand your point of view but I believe that if you have a strong power of will then you can overcome those dificulties.
  7. I do get emotional in some games but GTA IV wasn't one of those, I don't know why.
  8. How can it be impossible?
  9. Yes, Gray Fox was a great character.
  10. Mine's Hoshi Kimura. Kinda cool.
  11. Lol, I got so lucky in this mission, my heli wasn't really lined up and Jacob hit the other heli in his first try.
  12. Rem, remember that problem you have is psychological so if you work really hard you can get passed it. You could try some sort of therapy.
  13. hey good loking what you got cooking
  14. Lol, the driving is a bit weird.... in the first 30 minutes of playing the game. Right now I don't have any problems, I never crash, it seems pretty easy for me.
  15. Ivan

    PSP Help

    It depends, what are you trying to do?
  16. Ivan


    Why wouldn't you get it?
  17. Lol, I hate how people are always bashing the 360 for the reliability, I mean if you get the Elite version and don't let it overheat then you should have no problem. Buy it for the XBOX 360, esclusive content FTW.
  18. Welcome to the forums, please use the spoiler bars next time you post a spoiler. Try calling your contacts.
  19. You could have something like a puzzle, which only intelligent people (people worth keeping) can solve and gain access to the antidote in the middle. That'd be a cool TV show. Anyone who tried and failed could be castrated too, just for added drama. lol, too rude... btw, what if the person who failed is a woman? Sex slave maybe?
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