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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. JT is already going to pull off a press conference bashing GTA IV, just wait.
  2. Damn, I didn't know there was like a deadline to get MGO, I mean it isn't on the store anymore.
  3. Ivan

    not working?

    It's probably the server's fault.
  4. Ivan


  5. Sorry, there's already a topic about this so just search around and you can share your opinions there.
  6. But the game's already been released in Aus so there may not be a prob but if there wasn'«t then Take 2 wouldn't be deleting this vids.
  7. Oh damn, I bought them... Lol, how come?
  8. K9 I have sent you the money but still no weapons, what's going on?
  9. Very good point on the "you need to have faith on yourself" because when you are alone, in danger it's not God who's going to help its's yourself.
  10. I'll get it 2 days or so after the release date, sucks buy yeah, at least I'll get it.

  11. Yeah, I'l like so psycho and paranoid right now.....JOKE.

    So how've you been?

  12. I thought I sent you a firend request, lol.

  13. I didnt't say that it was against the rules. haha I was talking to urban Oh, ok then, my bad.
  14. My God, why don't people keep these things to themselves, we are all dying of envy, so just stop, please. *Goes to a corner and cries*
  15. I'll buy all of your Colt Phytons. Total= 450$ When can I send you the money?
  16. I think the fault and the ones we should be insulting are the people that put it avaible not the ones that downlçoad it, I bet ANY of us would say yes if we could get GTA IV earlier.
  17. So if I live in Europe, wich I do, I don't need the code, just download it from PSN Store?
  18. Why do people keep saying people are used to play on the playstation? First, GTA started on the pc Second, basically all of the GTAs except 2 are on both consoles.
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