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Everything posted by Hansui

  1. i'm happy right now, next week is the last week of my school year
  2. today, i just watched some stage plays at my school today, there we're funny... i even participated (as one of the drunkard gamblers) in the play presented by my section
  3. happy birthday Airashii and Connor, now its Psychoday! have a nice day and get lost j/k
  4. My friend said. their names speak to us
  5. hey barfy, remember me? one of the old SFM folks

  6. welcome to all of you guys.... i hope you will enjoy your stay here and pls. read the rules thank you
  7. i'm very sad to both of them especially to the cat
  8. now thats realism... cool, they added many features in the game
  9. ^ yes? < eating v ate my stinky socks
  10. i like the 3rd pic, i dunno why
  11. happy birthday dude, have a nice day and don't eat a lot of foods
  12. kinda inactive... but this topic never became inactive
  13. its our prom last friday, actually i didn't do anything except for eating many foods...
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