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Everything posted by Hansui

  1. my pet dog... she died 6 years ago
  2. How bout most of the map? There was far too much countryside, which granted added to the realism & was proportionate to the scale of the cities, but it wasn't as fun a playground as the urban settings. What R* have done is spot on, focusing on quality & not quantity, I'd take a smaller city that I can really interact with over a huge sparse map any day. right, luckily this time R* made a city with no vast wasteland... yet almost large as SA
  3. plane crashed, all passengers are dead according to the survivors SAN NEWS, 14 February 2008
  4. ^ maybe < currently sitting v the best dude
  5. banned for banning Alkaline for changing his name
  6. i don't have GTA III, GTA VC, and GTA SA... yet i played those games once in my computer
  7. nope, i also forget what date it is today, but they reminded me that its Valentines... anyway i don't greeted happy valentines day except to my parents and the weather today is nice, its cloudy, we played basketball and went to a computer shop
  8. 3 years ago, i'm writing in my bed, then a large centipede appeared in my notebook from nowhere... i screamed and ran
  9. another version of POSO in youtube, eewww... btw, i recommend this video when you're eating the most delicious food you know
  10. me too, i realized how lame friendster is i got bored because i found that many of the people in the site are merely hypocrites (mostly women)
  11. hindi ako nag-uunli eh, kasi wala akong oras magtxt palagi...

  12. well its 5:30 in the morning here
  13. happy birthday dude, have a nice day
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