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Everything posted by Hansui

  1. i like rap during the 90's (especially during SA) but rap these days are just messed up... the only good rapper i know nowadays is Eminem... he make nice raps unlike 50 Cent who keep telling bitches, gangstas, and other shitty stuffs
  2. i want something in the east, like Tokyo...
  3. i'm expecting to rain again this afternoon, just like yesterday
  4. pedobear attacked me while i'm on back o beyond
  5. lol, i already greeted you... happy birthday again
  6. happy birthday Ciaran, have a nice day
  7. yeah.... i'm still here :)

    but by June, i think i will be gone for a while

  8. i'm not afraid of being alone... but there are times that i want someone to talk to, like friends...
  9. mango, is it a flavor? if so, i like it ON TOPIC : today, i assume there will be a heavy rain this afternoon as i can see in the sky... i really love rains
  10. lol, i thought there is something special on it...
  11. happy birthday... have a nice day :)

  12. yes, i think Visitor is the userbar font but it depends on you
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