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Everything posted by Hansui

  1. i'm very tired today... i just came from Manila Ocean Park with my grandparents, my Indonesian cousin's family and my parents... i'm very tired although its fun
  2. he could be a story person... but its also random in some ways, just compare how weird is The Truth compare to Tenpenny or Smoke?
  3. lol, are u serious? cause they are too large to be your pet... they might simply ruin your house
  4. guess you need to move to a country where people look like Mexicans... as a Filipino Malay living in a predominantly Malay country, i never experienced discrimination actually thats one of the causes why i don't want to live in other countries, i just don't want to be discriminated
  5. What does that mean? I got good friends at school. Not the most popular but who gives a shit? I spend a lot of time here, I make friends here like I would make in real life so it's all good. Although, I couldn't care less if any of you don't have a social life it's not my business. It's kinda tough making friends when everyone thinks you look like a Mexican and calls you a beaner for it. whats wrong being a Mexican?
  6. lol, i just passed 1,050 posts... forgot about it
  7. maybe they were threaten by their horny sick dad...
  8. guess most of us experienced being backstabbed by our friends... actually sometimes, i love being a lonesome person...
  9. i had a pet rabbit and lobster... both of them died shortly i also got numerous spiders and beetles which i caught in the vacant lot behind my old house, and also some birds including my beloved quails...
  10. thats what i like in San Fierro, so foggy
  11. my social life totally boring... i'm shy, i don't want public attention, i just want to be a mysterious person... i do have few friends who backstabbed me years ago, and i know they are still backstabbing me thank God 2 of them are left to support me in bad times at school, i'm not a popular person and i'm rather obscure, i'm thinking sometimes that i don't exist in this world girls in my class hated me because i speak very bluntly against them i also doubt that someone likes me... i think one of the causes is that i'm not raised to be a friendly person, i'm always confined inside the house but my parents always let me to get out without being worried about me safety... i'm just a totally dumb ass no one will like me if you know me personally
  12. i have 2 pet dogs, although i want to try cat or any other pets... i also used to have fishes whether from fresh water or salt water... i enjoy having pets
  13. i'm using Kaspersky 7.0 and Windows in my laptop... but i don't update my Kaspersky, and i'm going to get AVG
  14. yeah... unfortunately, i don't have MSN see ya later
  15. ^ yeah, you told me about that before, everytime i think of it, i feel very sick
  16. ^ good for you, i had one warning. Spaz warned me when i was a total noob three years ago actually, i'm leaving the forums now i just want to thank all of you guys for being such nice friends... i dunno when i'll comeback, but hopefully, i still could visit the forums and check out you guys have fun playing GTA IV, since i don't have it bye, i'll miss you all
  17. is it all about Strawberry Shortcake? i think i could help you in gfx... although i'm pretty busy rightnow, just contact me in my friendster account EDIT : nice flash...
  18. aww... that sucks... get well soon actually, not having GTA IV isn't bothering me, i don't really care about it... but its better if i had a copy, well, i had to wait for the unsure release of PC version
  19. welcome back Crypt and welcome Ricky_Risha, have fun and enjoy the forums
  20. is it true or just a mod? you may show us some pictures if you saw them...
  21. i just had a haircut today, its very short... kinda annoyed, but when the class starts on June, my hair is long and curly again
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