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Everything posted by Hansui

  1. Konstantinos Smith : Well, some say life is a tea party for zombies. Also, when you only wear black, everything matches. In fact, I'll keep wearing black until something darker comes along. It's a known fact that the best poetry is written when you're horribly depressed.
  2. if thats a civilian, then that could be a mission
  3. my friend who betrayed me two years ago, he made my life shit as hell... anyone hates me, luckily two of my friends are left to support me... we're in good relations right now, but he don't know that i still hate him and i never trust him anymore
  4. hi Dicky, welcome to the forums, have fun and enjoy your stay here *finding azn*
  5. i saw you having sex with Hazer at the bushes
  6. Hansui

    its ok, but sometimes, it depends on how you'll use the sentence

    ok... good night to u buddy, gonna go to bed now

  7. welcome, whats your order sir?
  8. Hansui

    Putang ina nyo!

    (Your mommas are bitches)

    Kayong lahat! (all of you)

    'Di biro lang (no, just kidding)

  9. Hansui

    your translation is quite right... :D

  10. LOL, bullet got fused with a monster... nice one dude
  11. welcome cmcyomama and Juiceboxx, read the rules and i hope you'll enjoy your stay here both of you, just post a topic around GTA section...
  12. sorry, i don't know what it means, but i can understand few words
  13. does it means "this is a member title"? sorry, i don't speak portuguese
  14. sorry to say, Pedobear doesn't exists
  15. Hansui

    lol, take your time in translating my phrase... :)

  16. welcome Kirby68, enjoy your stay and have fun with us...
  17. Rob Base And DJ EZ Rock - It Takes Two still Playback FM
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