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Everything posted by Hansui

  1. hi im new here : welcome and have fun with us
  2. they don't care, because they know that i will not shoot anyone or kill them using some knives
  3. Hansui

    well good night buddy, gonna go to bed too

  4. Hansui

    maybe me too

    theres a right time for that

  5. because i hate their character, they are very lonesome they are thinking theres no important in life other than love
  6. i think emo are just horribly depressed because of love... they take love too serious most are teens (i think all emos are teens), they aren't that mature to understand what is "true" love
  7. Hansui

    maybe i will get a copy a year later :D

  8. yeah, i'm a generally negative person... act much like Konstantinos Smith, the gothic guy from VCPR... i really like his character too negative but not emo
  9. dunno whats a "real" emo... why don't you ask a "real" emo? i terribly hate emos actually
  10. yeah, not every building have interiors... and just play the game, theres alot more features to enjoy
  11. Hansui

    nice man, enjoy your game :D

    i hope i have a copy too ^_^

  12. lol, thats gruesome death... but killing an animal for no reason is just a complete pointless hobby
  13. Hansui

    lol. you changed your name! when i saw Rainbow Six... i said, who the fuck is this?


  14. aw man, i have 15 pet quails, fortunately they're all dead before Hazer rape them... R.I.P. to my quails
  15. its fine to me, but theres a progress in GTA IV, then thats better... btw, it seems that Tommy isn't comfortable at the pic
  16. its kinda nice because you will have no problem in transportation but if you bought a car and burned it and then it would not spawn in your garage again, then forget about purchasing a car... you're just wasting your money
  17. Lol, i used to watch that a year ago... i only watched it because theres nothing to watch every morning
  18. i don't believe Vatican yet i believe in God
  19. i think, its so cool if you used molotov to people on the streets, imagine lots of people running while burning to death and that saxophone, do you think it could be a weapon used for bashing someone?
  20. Konstantinos Smith : Lucky bastards! I wish someone would kill me. Then I could hang out in the graveyard all the time instead of just on weekends.
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