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Posts posted by SnowFlake813

  1. well if it prostitutes your looking for just drive up next to them in a exotic vehicle that will most of the time get their attention and then drive to where nobody or no other vehicles go....(hint do all the pimping missions then all prostitutes will pay you instead of you paying them)....

    or if your looking for the girlfriends try looking for more information about them in these forums

  2. a gang culture in the next gta?? i would like that idea but only if they were to make SA Stories other than that i dont think gangs is all about gta i mean to me gta is all about the freedom to things you normally couldnt do in real life without being killed or put in jail for such as random killings stealing vehicles etc......but if the next gta would have gangs then yeah i agree with you about having different kind of people instead of the same 3 gang members and like tomas said the abiliy to ally whom you choose would be nice a fit instead of having every gang in the land afther you

  3. 4D would be a change...but i like the way it is already i'v said this before it comes a time and place bewteen REAL LIFE and GAME LIFE meaning dont make a game so real that it becomes a second life similar to the sims games

  4. "MrLlamaLlama" makes a point why have " rocket clothing " and not actually have the rockets themselfs no offence "Warrior13"...still as "Butters" said i truly believe it would ruin the gta seris but to answer your question "GTA Index" again as already been said depends on the map size and what GTA 5 will be about location storyline etc...hopfully its bigger and better than GTA IV

    ( that was alot of name quoting :lol: )

  5. " off topic "

    @ Butters....that was an interesting topic i never notice that untill i read it....that is strangly odd :weird: ill go with the earthquake theory since on the news channel it talks about the eartquake in SA

    @RAPTORX22.....i thought the samething untill i found out most of these so called "myths" were fake and/or mods

  6. well besides ammo and pay n spray if you ever get busted by the police or get killed the police and the hospital take all your weapons and some money as a bribe.....and i agree since Claude is mute it makes him a badass and if he were to talk then i also agree that he would of made some kind of alliance with some gang...therefore....being a neutral is the best fit for him

  7. omg another myth topic look next time please post in the topic that talks about SA myths im not trying to be rude just saying .......myths in SA have been proven fake or real depending on the myth....but there is alot of refferences to some myths other than that most of them are fake and any video with such myths as leather face or bigfoot is a mod...again not trying to be rude but next time when posting somthing please look up the right topic to post into.....

  8. Ok

    I guess we're not gonna find out what the big secret is after all that :rolleyes:

    Are there anymore famous mysteries?

    o0o yeah never did figure out what the " big secret was ".......have you tried going to san fierro going to the boat yard across from the car show room its been said that you can hear a ship horn go off im not sure what time but i think its at night.....not really famous

    I don't think I can hear the horn in my game (I think I got the pirated copy since I couldn't hear the people talking in the cutscenes)

    But I'll try

    goodluck bro :thumbsup:

    ay i found out that on mounth chilliad on the tracks one afther another there is big foot prints i didnt even know they where placed like that i mean i knew about the ones that were already found there but not one afther another on the tracks or trails whatever you want to call it

  9. Ok

    I guess we're not gonna find out what the big secret is after all that :rolleyes:

    Are there anymore famous mysteries?

    o0o yeah never did figure out what the " big secret was ".......have you tried going to san fierro going to the boat yard across from the car show room its been said that you can hear a ship horn go off im not sure what time but i think its at night.....not really famous

  10. only way to find new myths now is to make them up (roleplay) just for fun though not to be like ( OMG I FOUND SOMTHING NEW!!!) and then post it on youtube) :lol: anyway have fun with your myths in SA :thumbsup:

    If I do that, they think I'm some whacka with nothing else to do

    Thats right. We pretty much think that about everyone now :P

    lmao ay it was just a thought :lol:

    Yeah well, at least you're not doing it, if you are then I consider you a whacka :lolbounce:

    well you dont have to consider me a whacka because i dont do that :rofl2: (better get this topic back on topic)

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