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Posts posted by SnowFlake813

  1. for some reason i like to get a tahoma take it to the lowride shop paint it black inside white put the 3rd selecticable rims for it add the radio bass drop it low leave cruise the streets recruit some groves do drive bys then using the " recruit anybody with pistol" cheat in and recruit other gang members and shoot grovestreet....and then explore the woods and what not :weird:

  2. as said before most of them are mods....some myths are in the game such as.....the well (forgot what city it was in its in the country though)....lil prob ufo pics.....the wheelchair on the boardwalk(also in the country out on a lake)....the zombie tech place in San Feario...also in the same place the tall brown or bronze tower(wasnt that the dna thing??)....(sorry havent played gta in a while thats why im forgetting anyway back on topic)....the ghost cars....the bodybags in the hole....the ghost graffitti in the graveyard in Los Santos....alot more...try looking for them on the forums n go check em out if you want

    I've seen the wheelchair, the zambotech place, the ghost cars, the bodybags and the ghost graffiti and I still don't get why they are myths :pissed: . They just seem like interesting things to look at

    idk i guess people like to make believe to much but it is interesting to find n watch

  3. it has happen to me too (in the ps2 version) they would run away in the other direction afther killing some of them. Also when your waiting for the next wave they would pop up but go arond the block trying to get to you i hate that lol. As you said about chasing them down yeah that sucks always got a lil upset when i had to do that lol :lol:

    That has never happend to me in PS2. maybe it's becoz my GTA SA is a pirated copy (the PC game).

    Sometimes the second wave would pop up and just stand there (which is better than running the other way :lol: ) does that ever happen to you?

    yeah a few times it did im like wth oh well easy targets lol :lol:

  4. GTA SA was by far the best game (in my opinion) in the gta series (not including GTA 4).....the fact that you could mod your vehicles...change your clothes....eat at restuarants....go on dates....etc...I think we can all agree that this game was a HUGE success :clapping: ..... it brought so much more compare to the other gta's where you couldnt do as much as you can in SA.....this game is a killer :thumbsup:B)

  5. it has happen to me too (in the ps2 version) they would run away in the other direction afther killing some of them. Also when your waiting for the next wave they would pop up but go arond the block trying to get to you i hate that lol. As you said about chasing them down yeah that sucks always got a lil upset when i had to do that lol :lol:

  6. as said before most of them are mods....some myths are in the game such as.....the well (forgot what city it was in its in the country though)....lil prob ufo pics.....the wheelchair on the boardwalk(also in the country out on a lake)....the zombie tech place in San Feario...also in the same place the tall brown or bronze tower(wasnt that the dna thing??)....(sorry havent played gta in a while thats why im forgetting anyway back on topic)....the ghost cars....the bodybags in the hole....the ghost graffitti in the graveyard in Los Santos....alot more...try looking for them on the forums n go check em out if you want

  7. Don't you find it strange that you can blow up a vehical with your hands?

    Don't you find it strange that nobody in vice city can swim?

    Don't you find it strange that on the strip alot buildings are dupicated?

    Don't you find it strange that in the misson "The Party" Ken Rosenberg says 1979 instead of 1986?


  8. yeah i did all of that ugh...i think its because i used my gameshark for 10 million cash for weapon ammo and for infinit misson time....ima start a new game n do all this with no cheats n see what happens....thanks for the help people

  9. i tried that but i open it with openoffice n it doesnt work i mean it does but the words arnt words just a bunch of numbers n letters n signs n everytime i delet it it..it wont let me open it using another way if that makes any since at all but thanks

  10. female cops would be a nice change for once instead of seeing male cops all over the place if it was me i would make some of the female cops be naughty...where they try to sedue you into havin sex with them as a bribe but then they bust you at the end or have a choice to run off or kill em lol

  11. i was just playing the game and when you are doin the vigialating missions one guy says " Theres a fat women stuck in the elevator im goin to check it out " .....another just hit me on the misson where you go to the golf course ( forgot the name of that misson ) when you go to change into the golf clothes Tommy says " does this make me look fat " and then a guy replies " Nice ass baby " .....how about the one where you take mercedes to the pole postion club if you enter a car n not hope on a bike she'll say " want me to put my hand in your lap" n Tommy replies " Maybe " lol

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