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Posts posted by SnowFlake813

  1. only way to find new myths now is to make them up (roleplay) just for fun though not to be like ( OMG I FOUND SOMTHING NEW!!!) and then post it on youtube) :lol: anyway have fun with your myths in SA :thumbsup:

    If I do that, they think I'm some whacka with nothing else to do

    Thats right. We pretty much think that about everyone now :P

    lmao ay it was just a thought :lol:

  2. Yeah, sometimes they're a pain in the ass but what can you do?(shoot 'em! :rofl2: )

    I also like riding the freeway off-road in the countryside, there are a lot of hills and cliffs where you can jump off of (it's kind of cool).

    It's a bit like a motorbike playground :lol:

    yeah, that's why I kinda regretted why I finished off both Vagos and Ballas. I wanted waging gang wars back then.

    Exactly why i didnt take over all the territories you dont need to...to get 100% completeion.....but afther awhile its kind of annoying when the they try to take over one of yours but its fun as hell :thumbsup:

  3. I haven't watched the introduction so I thought it might take a while to find them

    Jeez! Didn't know it was that hard to find myths

    the intro is somthing you need to watch it answered alot of questions i had before i seen it....and what butters said yeah theres a alot of mythhunters thats why the myths and easter eggs get answered so quickly but i guess it doesnt thank the fun out of finding it yourself even though you know exactly where they are B)

  4. i guess that would be kool but in my opinion i think the game would have no real storyline feel me....besides there are mods of having all the gta main characters....but again just for the fans i think that would be awsome :thumbsup:

  5. I would have to agree with SA being remade with better graphics and a new storyline etc.

    i voted on a futuristic city only because then it would be a new experience in a new kind of world instead of a remake of certain states and citys.

  6. Hope this answers your questions. I probably won't be posting back here, considering R* have confirmed the they belive eerything in GTA SA has been found, and all the new ones people are finding, they are just looking to hard - like with those things carved into that desert mountain. R* have confirmed that they are not Aliens, and anyone who thinks that is looking to hard.

    the hat just was a lil strange to me is all...i know its nothin big but just a lil strange why its there lol.......agreed SA been out for 5 years everything has been found but i guess its fun for the noobs who are just now playing the game for the first time

  7. (sorry for double posting)....

    i found somthing interesting in Las Venturas its a scottman's hat here are 2 pics....


    here is its location....


    pretty weird huh??? :lol:

    also heres a short video i took on a random ped spawn location its in Las Venturas as well they spawn on the top of the building and also if you use a jetpack fly up a lil ways and hover they also spawn at the bottom of the building now thats creepy :weird::lol: .....


    (note: you can hear my mother and brother in video please ignore)

  8. Catalina...reasons.....she almost kills you in GTA 3 in the begginning scenes again on the last mission and then she betrays you in GTA SA and is just a real BITCH :rofl2:

    then Pulaski he was a real pain in the neck if you listen to the whole conversation when you have to kill him he says that he has pictures of your sister and ceaser goin at it like a pair of wild chuwawas :lol:

  9. some abilitys you might want to do

    -ability to carry all weapons such as you did in GTA3

    -be able to skateboard and inline skate and go roller skating in skate rinks

    -ability to surf

    -to fully customize your vehical interior and exterior

    -change your characters appearance

    -to recruit anybody to do a mission or to just have fun

    -ability to date anybody instead of having set girlfriends

    -i would say take a part time job on the side of doing missions but i think thats too much what do you think??

    -ability to fish and go hunting

    -ability to smoke or drink (optional)

    -able to buy any house or property and then turn it into a business

    thats all i can think of...what do you think??

  10. Not trying to flame but thats not a glitch, there just re-spawning.

    Good spot though, you tried.

    oh okay thanks still is kind of weird

    Damn! I forgot where the lil prob inn is, can you tell me where the location is?

    Also I never killed any peds in there so I don't know and I want to find out if happens in my game.

    heres a pic of the location


  11. (sorry if this has been posted before).....i was chillin in the lil prob inn and i notice if you kill the peds (not the ones that work there such as the bartender and the pool table guy) then walk to where the ufo pics are then back to the pool guy another ped shows up.....did i find a new glitch and has this happen to you??? :weird:

  12. is that pedestrian always spawn on any time ?

    yeah its always a different ped though strange on why R* would put a ped like that but oh well its fun to watch a ped commit suicide :lolbounce:

    Also, if you want to hear the chainsaw noises, go to the panopticon cabins and make sure you go there between 4 pm and 2 am when the weather is stormy coz that's when you hear the chainsaw noises (you have to listen carefully though, the rainy noises covers the sound a bit)

    Thanks ill have to try that today

  13. ^

    thanks for the map...going to location :D . btw that house looks like amytiville...

    so in GTA no myths right ? no UFO , no bigfoot , no leather face, that's just a mod...right !

    No problem was more easyer to find than i thought lol but to answer your question yeah ufo bigfoot leather face are mods for the pc version however i did come across a website about SA's myths....here it is..... http://gta.wikia.com/wiki/Myths_in_GTA_San_Andreas hopfully this will clear things up B)

    who remembers the big secret???

    big secret??? what big secret??

    (sorry for double posting)

  14. People say the windows glow at night at the Cult Farm house too. I don't know where to find the farm and it seems quite interesting to look at (especially at night) any hints on where it's located at?

    I found the place its on the map and is named "The Farm" here are 2 pics.



    What is strange is that when you go there...there's a repeating ped that'll ride a tactor to the back of the farm....meaning if you follow that ped then come back to the front of the farm it'll be another ped on a tactor doing the same thing....wierd because i guess they disappear and when i did go there i took a mavrick landed it got out went to the back of the farm came back and my my heli was gone kind of creepy.... :wtf:

    • The Cult Farm House - A mix between Edd Giens house and the house in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (TTCM)
    • The chainsaw noises that come from The countryside

    - U.F.O: Umm, thats a mod to! Those light trails in the sky aren't UFO's - Try looking in the sky at night in R/L and your bound to see at least 1 - They are lights from the wings of planes

    People say the windows glow at night at the Cult Farm house too. I don't know where to find the farm and it seems quite interesting to look at (especially at night) any hints on where it's located at?

    I've heard the chainsaw noises at the countryside during the afternoon when its stromy (which is creepy when you play at night).

    And those light trails in the dessert I always see some everytime and once I went up there with a jet and to take a closer look and those are just balls of lights travelling in the sky. I don't think those are actually lights from wings of planes.

    as said before most of them are mods....some myths are in the game such as.....the well (forgot what city it was in its in the country though)....lil prob ufo pics.....the wheelchair on the boardwalk(also in the country out on a lake)....the zombie tech place in San Feario...also in the same place the tall brown or bronze tower(wasnt that the dna thing??)....(sorry havent played gta in a while thats why im forgetting anyway back on topic)....the ghost cars....the bodybags in the hole....the ghost graffitti in the graveyard in Los Santos....alot more...try looking for them on the forums n go check em out if you want

    I've seen the wheelchair, the zambotech place, the ghost cars, the bodybags and the ghost graffiti and I still don't get why they are myths :pissed: . They just seem like interesting things to look at

    idk i guess people like to make believe to much but it is interesting to find n watch

    Maybe they were bored and tried to make other people go crazy looking for these myths. :awesome:

    lol yeah most likly they did still is fun though :lol: .....about the lights you can see those in the skys anywhere at night iv counted 3 different colors of lights nothin special just lights unless those are suppose to be ufo's??? i doubt though....iv seen the cult farm all the windows glow blue at night not to sure on the location somwhere in the country ill go looking for it today if i do find it ill make sure to let you know unless sombody replys first on its location.....the chainsaw noises i havent heard those wheres that located at??

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