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Everything posted by hunter88888

  1. Yea, you're right, whoever listens to me is obviously messed up
  2. Nope, no trainers, but yes to Vista, fortunately he's getting an Alieanware laptop sometime this year, so Vista won't pose a problem, but 'till then... feel kinda guilty for making him buy it...
  3. I actually ROFLed for 2 1/2 mins.
  4. Tried the graphics (changing), when we saw the problem, but no difference...
  5. 1. Doesn't require much skill?! Maybe for you Zoom (and the other Hunter people), but for most of us, totally does! 2. These guys need a new game... WAY too much time spent on SA... Why not just max out on fat/muscles before starting the mission?
  6. Are we talking like Mod Shop modding or like modded cars from the internet?
  7. That's cuz these guys are GTA4 info/map junkies...
  8. Stop teasing us with your Uber 1337 skills Zoom, it's making the rest of us insecure!
  9. If it was signed with his (JT's) blood then I'd buy it.
  10. Firefox with Adblocker means you'll never see an ad again!
  11. ZOMG Tec 9 likes EE!? Me too!!! I googled Mane Potatoes.
  12. Making it just a huge joke wouldn't be fair either because then YellowJacket and Kokane wouldn't win due to the "gay" jokes. LOL, puns are fun. It wasn't all a joke... Seriously have you people never heard a joke before?! God go to some comedy clubs...
  13. I seriously don't get why all the guys here are so homophobic, I tell ya, in my old forum everyone would joke around about being gay, and I everyone would know it's just jokes, so IMO, anyone who has a problem with this, should be perma banned 'till they get some therapy and learn that joking around and voting for a guy is OK (and for those of you with no sense of humour, I'm joking...). On a side topic, Happy New Year and about-to-be New Year to everyone!
  14. As for the more files, they're just PDFs, since they couldn't have included paper copies. The map is just PDF version, nothing to do with the game when it comes to more features... The 1 (and I'm guessing 2) are just something Rockstar thought it would be nice to add (and that they did in 5 minutes), so you'd know what you couldn't play. So really, I see nothing different in the game itself...
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