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Everything posted by hunter88888

  1. Harder Better Faster Stronger by Daft Punk
  2. Frankly, I'm not. I'm looking forward to a GTA IV PC release though, which Rockstar will hopefully make. @GTADon: Surely you're not planing to get all of those? I knew a boy who got a new game every week though.. he had every console and 2 ps2's. Both were in perfect state, but he just wanted to have 2. Strange fellow.. I'm looking forward to Zack and Wiki :: Quest for Barbaros' treasure. I'll be getting Tenkaichi 3 too. Don't know what to expect actually.. First DBZ game for me. I'll get quite some 'old' PC games like World in Conflict and Crysis. Might even get the Orange Box. Respect. And this is more like what we're looking forward to, I doubt anyone'll get more than half the games on their list.
  3. Avi 9/10 Sig 9.5/10 Person Nice guy
  4. 6 year difference. GTA IV is in 2007. But yeah, he better, along with Maurice Chavez.
  5. Are you for realz? Total knock-off of GTA games, A few missions were actually total copies, like the one where you had to steal a car, equip it with a bomb, bring it back, and when the driver got in it exploded. Total knock-off of Saint Mark's Bistro. I'm looking forward to Diablo 3, F.E.A.R. 2, GTA IV and Starcraft II.
  6. GTA I&II not much difference GTA III Cheetah VC Phoenix SA Infernus/Hydra LCS Cheetah VCS Infernus/Banshee Oops forgot best one out of all Hydra
  7. This is too difficult... I won't even cast my vote...
  8. Gar? Why am I not here, I was nominated by MrLlamaLlama... It's definetly Urban, but...
  9. @V V Well I only got new userbars cuz my old ones stopped working and I just like having userbars, but whatever, I'm not wearing them for the award.
  10. I voted for MrLlamaLlama, but PC has a good one too.
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