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Everything posted by Andrew91

  1. I love Zodiac.. I need to buy that damn movie. I was just watching Mad TV when I woke up..
  2. Well, welcome to the forums man! Enjoy it!
  3. Green Day pictures.. I looked them up to use in my new sig.
  4. Green Day - the whole "Warning:" album.. I could listen to this CD about 30 times in a row.
  5. Holy shizzle.. I've been seeing tons of Halloween ads here on the forums.. I'm about to bust up into tears.
  6. I've never skipped... And I always fail my classes..
  7. Sorry.. I didn't understand it. Ha.
  8. I was kidding too... I'm a loser and I have to comment people before they comment me usually... --- I made Niko a myspace.. myspace.com/nikobelliciv
  9. I don't plan on continuing like this for very long..
  10. .... I'm not the one who hasn't had a comment in a day. I got at least 2 today. So whose retarded now? Haha.. Sorry, that was a little overboard.
  11. It sure is.. Actually they're just stand weird (if thats what you're talking about..) And I don't think I'd be able to just come out(pun) and say it like that...
  12. You are most definetly a life saver..
  13. Exactly. I know they would be very disappointed. I'm pretty sure they want me to have kids.. But, I'm most likely not going to. They can't be disappointed about not being grandparents, because they already are. And they're probably be more babies coming from both my sisters. Yeah.. It sucks very much. And I'm going to tell them something like that when I do finally tell them I'm gay..
  14. Good.. I would die without myspace.
  15. I knew it.. Its loading again, yay.
  16. My parents wouldn't be like that.. At all.
  17. When I finally do tell him, that is what I planned on saying. "If you can't accept it, then it was good being friends while it lasted".. Or something like that. I try to drop hints. But they don't pick up... I guess I have to try harder at that. If you're talking about if I seem straight or not (if thats what you meant by macho and effeminate), I think its obvious I'm gay.. But they still haven't picked up on it. One time my mom said something to me like "You like girls, don't you?".. I just kind of mumbled "yeah".. I should have said no and told her then. But, it seems like a good idea, but when the moment comes I just can't bring myself to do it. ---- I'm also afraid of what my other family members will think. All my uncles are homophobes, so is my grandma and probably all my aunts too.. I think one of my sisters already knows, but I didn't confront her about it because I'm scared that she might not actually know.. I think I might tell her first anyway. She has a lot of gay friends, I don't know how she'll take her brother being gay though..
  18. I do that with him every time I try and tell him.. He told me that if I was gay that he wouldn't have a problem with it, but after that he said he wouldn't like me.. So I don't know if he was joking or not.. He even asked me if I was gay. I just froze. I'm and just so scared..
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