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Everything posted by Andrew91

  1. Yeah. But even after that, I probably wont believe this until I've played the game, or Rockstar says something about it.
  2. Apparently, this info is supposedly from a guy who told people about the jet pack in San Andreas before it was released. Be careful. There is some huge spoilers ahead, or maybe nothing. It depends on if you believe it or not. Here Is the original source. It sounds like it could be true. But I won't believe it until there is more info, or possibly until we find out by playing the game.
  3. The Wii trailer was pretty awesome.
  4. Awesome! Thanks for putting this up for us to know about it! I only knew a little about New York from True Crime and some movies. I always thought that the Chrysler building was the Empire State Building, and I was confused about other stuff. This has really helped me a lot!
  5. Okay.. Nevermind then. I think it looks awesome now anyway. I'd totally be happy without all that stuff.
  6. I just thought it would be awesome. But it would be just the same if it was actually the size of New York.
  7. I was discussing something like this on another forum. We were thinking that they may use all the previous cities, and state.. Like in the first trailer they showed Liberty City, and then in the second they will show Vice City, and in the third they will show San Andreas, or make a trailer that has each city in SA in it. I don't know, I was just thinking.
  8. I'll buy the magazine, and then put all 10 pages on my wall! Maybe not. More like 4-5 of them..
  9. Lol.. I didn't even see that!
  10. Ha. I just had to make a sig.. Even though its crappy. Also, here is the pic.
  11. I think its in Liberty City. In one of the screens you can definetly see a Liberty Tree building. I may post a pic with it circled.
  12. I took some screenshots. I hope you like them, and if you don't, then I just died a little inside. There are way more to come!
  13. Hell yeah! I really can't wait 17 minutes!
  14. Do you guys think it will be on the Xbox Live Marketplace?
  15. If they did it as an April Fools joke, I would seriously kill someone.
  16. Maybe there isn't going to be a trailer. It is near April Fools day. Just kidding.. But it is a possibility.
  17. My gamertag is TFFfan. I can be seen playing Saints Row a lot. Since most of my friends play it all the time. I may soon be getting Gears of War and Halo 2.
  18. I'm really excited. I'm going to stare the counter down until it hits 00:00:00:00.
  19. I actually hope your character is like Tommy. Or I hope its like GTA III with the Mafia and stuff.
  20. Thats awesome. I can't wait. I really hope that GTA IV isn't going to be a "gangsta" game like San Andres..
  21. I love horror movies. I like Halloween, Friday The 13th, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and a lot more. I like the original TCM better than the remake, and I liked The Beginning a lot. I also can't wait for Rob Zombie's Halloween to come out this August. Halloween is my favorite movie.
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