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Everything posted by Andrew91

  1. Those are beautiful... Thanks for posting the high quality ones!
  2. Don't you wanna ride it? Educated horses...
  3. Everybody loves a happy ending...
  4. Ba-baba-baba.. Do-dododo dooo..........
  5. Its K109, and its already been confirmed as a radio station. http://www.rockstargames.com/IV/#?page=mus...mp;content=k109
  6. Yeah.. The first one is totally old.. I can't get to the rest of 'em, so I don't know if they're new or old.
  7. Yeah... There are a lot of official screenshots that aren't even on the official website.. So it doesn't have to be on the official website to be "official".
  8. Tears for Fears - Sowing The Seeds of Love
  9. With the lights out, its less dangerous.
  10. There was actually 7 added... 1. "Bioethical" violations such as birth control 2. "Morally dubious'' experiments such as stem cell research 3. Drug abuse 4. Polluting the environment 5. Contributing to widening divide between rich and poor 6. Excessive wealth 7. Creating poverty But anyway, I totally agree with what chris82 said in his 1st post..
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