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Deji last won the day on October 23 2016

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    San Andreas
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    Huh? Steam comes from a kettle right?
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  1. Yeah, it's exclusive to Vigilante Justice
  2. Any help would be great. A proper VJ Logo might make the mod look more professional (for those who don't understand the professionalism in C++ ).
  3. That's right, not "GTA: Vigilante Justice"... Need a proper logo. It's been a long time since I was here! Links GTAForums topic (it looks better )Official Development Thread Deji on Twitter Deji on Youtube Videos (Gas Grenades turned into Stun Grenades).(*SPOILER*) Animations If I could get some more help with this, I would cry tears (of joy) [current helpers: ceedj (thanks for that, by the way)] A bit much to ask for maybe... but at least I'm not aiming for a total conversion that involves new peds, cars and maps etc. My goals are considerably realistic. If you need to contact me about helping with the mod, use GTAForums' email feature. Feel free to ask questions, make suggestions, etc. If anyone has any tips on making the topic look better, that'd be great. It will probably help to remove the spoiler tags, which I can do one I get the help.
  4. hi, hope u can give some modding advice to a newbie like me when i'm in need of advice

  5. J@ck

    Hi. And, erm I'm new around here and I would like to inform you that the Animation Tutorial for GTA San Andreas in your post is broken. Please have a new link for "needers" like me. Thanks a lot.

  6. Where are yooouuuuu? :o

  7. Vigilante JusticeModellers Required GTAG Productions is in dire need of map modellers for the Vigilante Justice mod for San Andreas. If you are good with making maps, specifically buildings, reply with an example of your work (if any) or email deji{a t}gtag.gtagaming{d o t}com
  8. I assume this was since the update. Basically, you need to update the main TGTAP pages where it would display "0 New PM's" regardless of how many PM's you have. Probably should've mentioned this a while ago, when I noticed it
  9. I believe in not believing anything. Because we will never know what created the universe. Still, it's fun to think that the universe was created either by some sort of god or the big bang, yet something would've had to have created them both. But maybe that's just where our human minds stop us from knowing. Maybe things don't have to be created to exist, no matter how confusing that might be to us. Ever watched the show "The Big Bang Theory"? Gives a few fun thoughts on stuff like this. EDIT: The meaning of David Beckham, Bill Gates or Jade Goody will forever be a mystery.
  10. I'm gonna wait for the Splinter Cell and Prince of Persia movies to be released before I say whether games based on movies suck or not. Those movies should be so good when they're finally released. A GTA movie would be perfect if I wrote the script But overall I think there have been too many games to make a movie based on them. And besides, most of the GTA games are based on movies anyway.
  11. Vigilante Justice, still in progress. Also made some more great features.

  12. oh yeah, they did :P

  13. Is it me, or did everyone in this topic - http://www.thegtaplace.com/forums/topic/24510-movie-editor/ - completely misunderstand what you said? :D

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