1. What image host do you tend to use the most? (e.g. imageshack, photobucket, imagevenue, bayimg etc.)
2. Why do you use this particular host? (e.g. it has a feature that no one else does? explain briefly why you don't use another site)
Easy to use, quick, etc.
3. What are generally the sort of images you host there? (e.g. sigs/avatars? personal photos? or just anything for posting on forums? etc.)
Sigs, Avatars, Screenshots, anything I need to use.
4. Is there anything you dislike about the image host you currently use? (slow to load? bombarded with ads/popups? can't easily get links to the pics for showing friends, or posting in a forum? limits aren't very big? etc.)
Not really.
5. Would you be willing to start using a different image host if it had some decent features?