Warner somehow managed to escape from prison by digging a tunnel with his toy spade, he stole the same pink Faggio he had before and tried to escape, Korpee chased after him halfway across the Los Angeles 105 Freeway, he knocks the bike left and Warner smashes himself into a sign but somehow stays on it. He then drives to The Capitol Records Building and hides inside, Korpee finds him hiding in the studio and dangles him outside a window to get revenge on him.
Warner: "Wat, GAT4.NET iz alot better".
Korpee: "No it's not, shut up, why don't you go suck off gta4.net and get beat up by all the idiots there".
Korpee apparently decides not to kill him, Because Warner is too easy to kill, and Korpee enjoys flaming him, so instead, he ties Warner onto the spike of the tower where he will be captured by the Universal team who hate him, Korpee gets back into his Diablo Stallion and gets out of there as quickly as he can.
Like Korpee, I'm out of here, later.