Well in other GTAs it was all ways the same thing peds jack cars and talk to one in other,but GTAIV peds will be smoking,drinking,begging for money,reading,talking,and a whole bunch more.But what activity are you most looking forward too see peds do.Now what im about to say may sound strang but dont think of me as a sick bastard of trying to hate on gays,but in GTA:SA I was walking in San Fierro when i bump into a guy wearing a red shirt and he said "dont bite it angel"which then i knew he was gay.But since peds activitys will be hiped up does that include making out in a car like see a gay making out in there apartment or lesbians in there car making out.Or lets say your in Romans apartment and you hear moaning from upstairs,and have any of you seen the guy in the red shirt before.Do you think the peds sexual activity will be hiped up or maybe actual give peds certain sexual preferences.