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Posts posted by Dave1

  1. Ok, Since the last time I had a gang, It failed and I went into a large noobspell.

    Take a look at the other gangs to see how it works.

    I will be getting our gang sigs made soon, mabye I can get steven to do it.

    If you want to know why I am ranting on about this, take a look in the trashcan, look up sfm and you will see why i dont want this to repeat like it did back then.

  2. It seems you have changed from a noob to a some what decent member woozie..

    Welcome back.

    Also let us try not to spam this thing up ok?

    Well, I can say, it is good to be back in the gangs.

  3. Five months ago, the don of the subuzi family mafia went insane after being triumphant in his first gang war, The ironic thing is. I am that don, well I have decided to bring the gang back from the grave for one last try, The era of the great gangs has long since past , but that will soon change..


    The sfm has been reborn, here you can chat with fellow members ,

    also please do not spam the recruitment section, post all questions or comments here :yup:

    And to all the new members, welcome to the sfm!

    (p.s The gang story sucks ass,sorry but im not the creative type.)

  4. Five months ago, the don of the subuzi family mafia went insane after being triumphant in his first gang war, The ironic thing is. I am that don, well I have decided to bring the gang back from the grave for one last try, The era of the great gangs has long since past , but that will soon change..

    Rule- You must have at least 150 (decent) post, I might make a few exceptions.


    The don :Crimson

    capo : Steven

    right-hand man :Woozie

    Elite members.

    head thug:

    head assasin : Skullraider

    head driver :

    head bartender :

    head lawer :

    head machanic :

    head message boy

    head blackjack dealer

    head artist :

    head of contribution


    theif's: [2]

    assasins : [ 3 ]

    drivers : [ 4 ]

    bartenders : [ 3 ]

    lawers : [ 4 ]

    machanics : [ 3 ]

    message boys :[ 6 ]

    blackjack dealers : [ 5 ]

    contibuters [ 3 ]

    artists : [ 2 ]

  5. Now once iStore has been released, I can work on integrating my Gangs System into it, then we can revitalise the whole gang scene, further increasing activity around here. Parts of this can be done now though, if Gang leaders would sort out members in their gang and the like.

    Well once the new gang syestem is running I will probably be bringing the S.F.M back to life, I have honestly missed it, Chris we mmay want to have monthly gang wars (just a suggestion).

    The gang syestem will be a nice way to get tgtap back to its former glory. :)

    Finally, a custom skin for the forums. Since I don't have time to do so myself I'm thinking of getting a designer to make a custom GTA skin for us, then I'll colourise it for each GTA games colours. I think it would be much better if our skin was unqiue.

    On the matter of the skins, I think you should get one that will go along with the theme on the main site...


  6. Well if you must know , my life is fucking hell right now, stress from school and other shit almost led me to killing myslef this weekend, I never get any peace anymore, just when I think I can take a rest, bam more shit at my door..

    Btw Crimson looks at bad things :bleh:

  7. Why did God give men penises?

    . So they'd have at least one way to shut a woman up.

    . What's the difference between a paycheck and your dick?

    . You don't have to beg a woman to blow your check.

    . How is a woman like a laxative?

    . They both irritate the shit out of you.

    . What are the small bumps around a woman's nipples for?

    . It's Braille for "suck here".

    . Why do men die before their wives?

    . They want to.

    . Did you hear about the guy who finally figured out women?

    He died laughing before he could tell anybody.

    . What's the difference between a woman with PMS and a pit bull?

    . Lipstick.

    . Why do women have tits?

    . So men will talk to them.

    . What's the difference between a woman and a coffin?

    . You come in one and go in the other.

    . Why do women close their eyes during sex?

    . They can't stand seeing a man have a good time.

    . What's six inches long and two inches wide and drives women wild?

    . Money.

    . Why did the army send so many women with PMS to the Persian Gulf?

    They fought like animals and retained water for 4 days.

    . What's the difference between your wife and your job?

    . After 5 years your job will still suck.

    . What's the best thing about a blow job?

    . Ten minutes of silence.

    and finally...

    . Why are hurricanes normally named after women?

    . When they come they're wild and wet, but when they go they take your

    house and car with them...

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