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JAB HacksouL

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JAB HacksouL last won the day on April 5 2010

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About JAB HacksouL

  • Birthday 04/02/1992

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  1. Actually I was thinking along the lines of those poor souls with unmoddable versions of GTA or lacking technical skillz. This program never accesses the game itself. It works like this; [uMod] <--IO--> [DirectX 9] <--IO--> [Video Game] DirectX is being manipulated and not the game. You save a list of images inside a zip file and it paints over the top of your game. Same effect as digging into the database for those TXD files. It also can load and dump images from the game while the game is still running. This will even work on Steam accounts. How many times have you told Steam users they can't mod their GTA? They are working on DirectX 8, 10 and 11 compatibility.
  2. My good friend King Brace Blane has added this video to the arsenal of modding tools. They now plan to name this "Universal Modding Engine" or uMod for short. Note: This video is closed caption and can be translated. http://youtu.be/wio00l_mL7g King Brace Blane said he hopes to add mesh deform to the program once they get it out of beta. The only drawback (if you call it that) is the method used for searching the textures. You have to scroll though roughly 2000 textures until the one you want lights up green. They save as dds so far, which can be edited using the gimp. The program never accesses the game but actually uses the DX9 as a go between. I haven't done much more than redo some signs. But the program works pretty well.
  3. Welcome, 1. If the mod is mine? Yes go ahead fix away. My mods include source code so people can do what they want. I don't encourage "mod theft" but if the modder has abandoned his project, can't be reached, or died. Then others have been known to step in and repair or upgrade the mod and give the author of the original version credit. 2. The best way to decide this is to view the number of downloads and read any reviews. Ex: Go to downloads -> GTA VC -> Mission Scripts at the bottom of the list choose Downloads in the "Order by" box and Z-A in the "Sort by" box. The top dog seems to be "New Vice City 2004" with 92,900+ downloads. I better check it out. 3. No. My brother plays VC more than I do. I doubt he has either. 4. Not applicable. 5. This really depends on the types of mods. You can't use 2 banshee based mods, one would have to be altered to be used on another vehicle. Just the same you can't use 2 total conversion mods. Merging mods that use the same files would be difficult but not impossible. 6. Yeah well that goes without saying. Because if they never see it the modder can't really complain. Bottom line is modding can't and never will fall under copyright laws. No modder is ever going to take someone to court. I feel "mod theft" is just pathetic and everyone gets to point and laugh. If for example, someone said they modded a new freeway system for VC. I might think they have just ripped off the one that already exists. However if they used that one and altered aspects of it, they could add their name to the creds stating what they changed. But it remains a collective effort not their mod alone. JAB
  4. Happy B-Day mate! :D

    Hope ya weren't a victim of any prank, just until tomorrow.

  5. tnx man,,,,,i'l sent him a msg,,, Sorry, I haven't been here in a while but as always I am lurking in the dark corners of your room. Actually I got an email from someone who had (has) this same problem. I just uploaded "Tenpenny ALL in One" mod so people can install the files all at once without using the compiler or other 3rd party software. There are instructions and be patient with the loader it takes time. There is a large file that takes time to copy. There are manual instructions on where to place files if you choose not to use the loader. People have beat my missions and some minor bugs persist. If you get stuck on any level a user known as King Brace Blane has youtubed the more difficult missions. www.youtube.com/kingbraceblane If the mission is not present he might make another video for it. Meanwhile I have been up to no good, going to school, planning to graduate, etc..
  6. If anyone is getting a solid blue screen on the "Gray Exports" mission I would like them to try this test main.scm. Thanks, JAB http://www.filefront.com/14431965/test.zip/ or test.zip
  7. A final release is posted to the Downloads. If you already have the JOE distro keep it and download the smaller PRO distro to update your files. The JOE disro is being uploaded as I type. ToonSkull and I will continue to answer questions about the mod but we have given you all our code in the PRO release. PLEASE use it to learn, we are not going to come chase you down saying you stole our code. King Brace Blane on YouTube has beat this mod and said he will post all the mission walkthroughs on his site some time next month: www.youtube.com/kingbraceblane Not all the stuff made it, into this mission. Some missions a two year old could beat. But we made this for you to learn. There are far too many mods that have no point. Be creative and keep working at it until you feel it is complete. Thanks, JAB - Joshua Black EDIT: My uploads crashed but it says PRO made it. I will upload JOE again later. Has anyone besides King Brace Blane (youtube) beat my mod?
  8. He didn't add the textures because I will need to add them when I convert it to GTA. I thought the model would be closer to the Wayfarer but PCJ 600 it is. I will let you know how it goes. JAB
  9. The forum is functional but my pic and avatar are switched around.

  10. You need to change this to reflect the variable used to create YOUR car, 12@ was used as an example. 00AA: store_car 12@ position_to 3@ 4@ 5@ 6@ = Car.Angle(12@) Since you used 0@ as the car it should read: 00AA: store_car 0@ position_to 3@ 4@ 5@ 6@ = Car.Angle(0@)
  11. So basically you want to do fire damage. Create fire in front of your hotring using this; Assume 12@ is your hotring racer. 5.0 is the distance from your car. 00AA: store_car 12@ position_to 3@ 4@ 5@ 6@ = Car.Angle(12@) 02F6: $TEMPVAR_FLOAT_1 = cosine 6@ 02F7: $TEMPVAR_FLOAT_2 = sine 6@ $TEMPVAR_FLOAT_1 *= 5.0 //distance $TEMPVAR_FLOAT_1 *= 5.0 //distance 0059: 3@ -= $TEMPVAR_FLOAT_1 0059: 4@ += $TEMPVAR_FLOAT_2 02CF: 14@ = create_fire_at 3@ 4@ 5@ propagation 0 size 1 //Size will make it bigger propagation is true or false This remains untested but if the flames appear too close try increasing the distance. Propagation makes smaller fires around the primary. There are a few unknowns working with fires let me know if there are any problems.
  12. I would like to ask what exactly are you attempting? I can find no single opcode to get a particle's position. But there may be a way to work out your problem if we know why you need a particle to injure or damage. For example; if particle is attached to an object or actor then I could go from there.
  13. Paths are called nodes so look for editing tools for node paths or examine the files in Rockstar Games\Vice City\data\paths If you have downloaded Sanny Builder and know how to decompile you main.scm, then look for: 014B: $87 = init_parked_car_generator #DELUXO -1 -1 1 alarm 0 door_lock 0 0 10000 at -1022.6 -868.6 12.2 angle 175.0 014C: set_parked_car_generator $87 cars_to_generate_to 101 This parks a deluxo random color at -1022.6 -868.6 12.2 x y z coordinates in your game.
  14. The popcycle.dat is what needs to be edited. Nothing in the handling.cfg controls traffic. http://grandtheftauto.filefront.com/file/R...pcycle%3B101067 The mod above modifies the flow of traffic by changing the popcycle.dat which is a text file you could edit yourself. Each line is a 2 block starting at midnight and running to 10pm.
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