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Everything posted by Jay_Jay

  1. 6. Throw them at passing cars. (I did that with a jar full of old ass pickles, it was nasty.)
  2. Here is mine. It changes all the time though. This is my current desktop.
  3. Palin sucks. That's all I got to say.
  4. Ok here is my babys, that I shoot at people who enter my house without permission. 2 Twins Silver and Black Desert Eagles, they shoot 50. cal bullets. Here is a pic, it was took with a cell phone, kind of small. Yea I have them on my wall, so I can show them off to people who enter my room, but they can easily be reached when I hear my dogs bark.
  5. Ok my turn. I do smoke cigarettes, I smoke them everyday, I like to. It calmes me down. If you don't smoke then don't start to, and yea I started smoking cigarettes when I was 13, because of peer preasure. I was young and dumb, I'm 18 now and I haven't quit. I smoke about a pack or more a day. And for the weed, I was smoking weed when i was 13 also, I quit for 3 months about a year ago and then I started back smoking and now I quit like 3 days ago again to get a job, but I will probably start back smoking weed after I get a job. And how much weed I smoked a day...well let's just say that I spent a shit load of money on it and it isn't cheap where I live.
  6. Yea that's ok, I understand. Lol you can make it if you won't to. I don't care. I couldn't wait, I had to have that picture by October 20th. I gave you until then and I asked someone else to do it.
  7. Hmmm....Well thank you Toxic. I will send you the money right now.
  8. Yea Alvasi. You took too long, i really needed it, so I asked Toxic to do for me. But thanks anyways.
  9. I hope you haven't forgotten about my sig and avi Toxic. I will send you the money when you make it.
  10. That looks nice Toxic. But you got the shade of blue wrong. I want the lines and the outlines to be royal blue, not that greenish blue. And could you have the same effect as my sig now? with the dark on the bottom and light on top? And also you forgot the matching avatar.
  11. Ok you can change it, but I want there to be blue lines instead white lines, but I still want the white border. And can you outline the lettering with a blue border? I want the border to be little. I want white inside of the lettering still.
  12. Can you make me a flash signature and a matching avatar. I want it to be just like my signature, the one below. I want one flash to have "Casper" and the second to have "Lost One". I want the same signature below for the lost one flash, and then make one that says "Casper" in the middle, same colors and font. Edwardian Script is the font. I want it to be like two signatures in one. And for the avatar I want it be the same as my signature with the flash. Ok ask me questions, I will be glad to answer. I can't wait to see it. I will send you some money too. Thank You.
  13. Oh yes thank you so much. It's perfect.
  14. Yes, that's how I would like it. And if it's smaller then that's fine. And yes I want the other words to be the same.
  15. You missed one detail, I asked you to change. I want the angel in the middle and words around the angel, not on the angel. But other than that its great, just make that change please.
  16. No problem, lol. What else am I going to do with the money.
  17. Speaking on not being old enough. Lol I turned 18 on November 3rd. And the Election was on November 4th. So I can't vote until the next election, kind of sucks, because I wanted to vote, wouldn't have mattered anyways, Obama would have won. If I would have registered to vote, then I would have to do jury duty and all types of stuff, I really don't want to register.
  18. Ok I really appreciate this. I will send you some money, right quick.
  19. I've been keeping up on it for a little while. I watched a little bit of the coverage last night on BET. Then I went to sleep, didn't see who won until today. I'm glad Obama is the president, hopefully he will do some good for my country. I can't wait to see what he does.
  20. Toxic, can you take out the banners around the letters? And can you bring the word "Watching" down a little bit, so it will align with the other words. And one more thing, can not have the letters on the body? Like I want the angel and the wings to be in middle and the words to be going around the angel. Like in the picture below. Don't change the colors.
  21. You can send it to my email. [email protected] Or you can go to photobucket and upload there and then put the img code on here. Oh and btw I don't msn, sorry.
  22. Umm, can you just put it on here, because I can't download it. I downloaded it, but it won't let me see it, so could you just post it on here please?
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