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Desert Fox

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Everything posted by Desert Fox

  1. The view on the first two Gta's sucked badly Gta 3 saved the francise so much anyone else agree?
  2. CJ has much more respect then Tommy GSF can stomp the Vercetti gang like that.
  3. Los Angeles not like San Andreas or Texas and maybe Paris,France
  4. I like to get my ladies from Algonquin and i buy the 70$ package and use the Sabre Turbo.
  5. I think the selection of weapons in Gtaiv kinda sucks because they should have added more to keep us entertained
  6. Mad Dog-Ice-T Officer Tennpenny- Samuel L. Jackson B-Dup- The Game T-Bone- Kid Frost Kendal Jhonson- Yo-Yo Big Bear- Big Boy Sweet- Faizon Love Jizzy B- Charlie Murphy There are tons more but Rockstar really went out on a limb for San Andreas i think it was Gta's biggest project yet.
  7. Rockstar left out the speed pill that was in Gta 3 where it gave you super strength in slow motion it was a cool little extra but i dont know if they should have added it then it would be more fantasy but it was still funny to hit pedestrians and make them fly.
  8. Candy Suxx is Vice Cities best Pornstar she is the Jenna Jameson of Vice City she has stared in loads of erotic films produced mostly by Steve Scott who ironicaly has a Shark fetish.
  9. My friend likes to make CJ all business like with a suit and shades but i like him to look straight gangster like he should be what do you think? Post your thoughts.
  10. After 8-Ball introduces Luigi to Claude he offers him work after some work for Luigi Claude meets a good friend of Luigi's named Joey he is a mechanic who is the son of Salvatorie Leon head of the Leon Family Mafia. Once Claude gets involved with most of Portland's scum he ends up on the bad side of Salvatorie and is told by Salvatorie's goldigging girlfriend Marie that the Leon Family is planning to kill you so you must assassinate the don himself to save your own soul. After you kill him Marie has a place for you to hideout at in Staunton Island and you meet Asuka who is the sister of Kenji Kasen who is head of the Yakuza. He befriends you and gives you work but unforchunately all things must come to an end and you have to kill Kenji and make it look like a Columbian Cartel job to fuel a war between the Yakuza and the Cartel. After some more run-in's with petty crooks and important figures you finally catch up with Catalina the woman who left you for dead and as they say ''Revenge is a dish best served cold'' and lets just say Catalina is sleepin with the fishes and Claude finally feels some closure. P.S.-If i missed anything or you have questions or concerns feel free to message me or post on this topic.
  11. What is your favorite car i personally like the Turismo then second the Sabre Turbo and third the Banshee list what you think.
  12. As we all know CJ's mom Beverly was hit by a green Sabre no one knows who did it but we have some ideas post what you think. Possible Suspects Ryder Big Smoke Some Baller Buster
  13. Lol im sorry everyone my friend told me to write this story but the Jason story is totally true.
  14. I was riding a dirt bike on Mount Chilliad when i see a cave entrance this only works between the times 22:00 and 3:00 you also have to have 100% game completion and i think every item of clothing but im not sure anyway i got off the bike and entered the cave. it was very dark and i could not see so i tapped the sprint button furiously i hit the jump button and my guy comes falling through the ceiling like a glitch and lands in a room with no doors or windows there is a bed a tv and a camp fire in the center of the room. I was confused and freaked so i looked around and on the wall there was a newspaper clipping of CJ's dead mom Beverly and next to it his brother Brian this really spooked me i got my shot gun out and look more around the room there is a bloody baseball bat on the ground near the bed. (I know in the beginning of the game CJ mentions Beverly was killed by a gang driving a green Sabre but im having second thoughts) Im so spooked i commit suicide and after that i have never been on or near Mount Chilliad again.
  15. The Jhonson house is haunted by Beverley Cj's mom and Brian his little brother sometimes around 12:00-4:00 if your in the Jhonson house you can hear brian talking about missing Cj and Sweet while playing basketball but its a low wisper you have to be paying attention or you might not know it. I also seen an all white and grey Yeti on the top of mount Chilliad i tried to photograpgh it but he jumped over the edge and when i looked over there was nothing.
  16. People stop thing you have all the answers your not Nostradamus so calm down
  17. My GamerTag is DesertFox7Bravo and i play GTAIV and Call Of Duty 4 online.
  18. Who is he, Whats his name, Where is he from these are all questions that have been puzzling us since the release or GTA3. Well sports fans i have the truth about GTA3's hero Claude Speed he is from San Fierro,San Andreas where he began his life of crime by pulling off car thefts and working out of his garage in Dougherty (Which in San Andreas is later won by CJ in a car race) after car jacking just wouldnt make ends meet Claude needed a new profession so he travels to Flint County which is located in lower San Fierro. he met Catalina and they robbed places in and around Whetstone and Flint County. Catalina was getting tired of knocking over small stores and business's so Claude got back into racing to save up enough money for him and Catalina to move to Liberty City and get real Bank jobs this is when Claude and CJ meet up they both race and Cj wins so Claude gives CJ his warehouse in Dougherty Claude and Catalina go on their way to Liberty and once they arrive Catalina introduces Claude to one of her associates named Miguel who is the leader of the Columbian Cartel which runs a huge Spank selling operation on the island of Staunton located between Portland and Shoreside Vale. They all try and pull a heist on the Bank Of Liberty when things go wrong and Catalina betrades Claude and Miguel shoots him as he exits the bank Miguel and Catalina escape in a Banshee and Claude is left nearly dead to deal with the LCPD. While in Prison Claude befriends 8-Ball who owns a bombshop in Portland and during a prisoner transfer containg Claude,8-Ball and a unknown high class Columbian Cartel leader. During a rescue attempt for the the leader the Columbian Cartel blow up the bridge connecting Potland to Staunton Island. Claude and 8-Ball escape and 8-Ball tells Claude of a friend he used to work for so they head over to his club in the Red Light District.
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