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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Back by popular demand, we now have a poll back (on the right navigation) for you to cast your vote in. We had to remove the previous polling system we had due to conflicts with our PHP coding. Over the past couple of days I decided to code my own since this was the best option available to me. It has been tested for bugs, and we fixed all that we could find. So hopefully it's bug free and you won't be able to vote more than once from the same IP address. The Polls page will contain results of all the polls we will be running.
  2. First of all there is no such cheat. Second of all would you stop posting that. Third of all, what is a 'cosunt'?
  3. Check out the kick-assery on this photo I took. That's the Jaguar XJ220 which I am driving on one of the license tests
  4. First of all we have a couple more cheats from edisoncarter: In other news, you may remember we reported last month on the Game Developers Choice Awards, in which San Andreas was nominated for an award in 4 categories. Unfortunately and suprisingly San Andreas walked away with nothing for a change, the big winner was Half Life 2 which grabbed 4 awards. Source: GTASanandreas.net
  5. There's a 1000 car limit on the garage, but theres 720 cars in the game so you have plenty of room for one of every car, plus nearly 300 others, so it's all good.
  6. Sorry I've got that error fixed now.
  7. So. I still got everyone else doing it, like skyline, and mvi. And anyway your not even using quote tags... which uses up less space so maybe it's ok...
  8. Meh, since I put a couple of funny quotes in my sig, loads of people are doing it now. I started off a trend! How cool am I?
  9. Cool, shit and awesome. This is my 2000th post I'm a legend.
  10. Yeah it's pretty cool MVI. I have an idea though. Completely mod out VC so it's like almost unrecognisable, but still GTA-like, and just record some gameplay and put it in, make it like 30 seconds or so long.
  11. I'm not a suck up, I just like the people here as friends and they can draw really well. Here's another one of mine: Did you get Maddox's permission to use that? it says somewhere on his site he doesn't like people stealing his images.
  12. Spamming someone elses forum is even more immature than changing a hotlinked picture. You shouldn't feel owned though, since if you are sensible you will have made daily backups like myself (i'm lazy so I made a script) and will be able to restore your forums to their previous state.
  13. Weird isn't it? I want to find some more sites linking my images so I can own them as well.
  14. Just to update people. This little 'dispute' has been settled now and there are no hard feeling between The GTA Place network of sites and GTACentral's network. Topic Closed.
  15. Bryce that doesnt really make any sense. Well I think it's pointless, you always use towtruck instead of 'too' but not 'to' so you obviously know which one to use.
  16. I have 100 invites at the moment. I don't really want to hand them out willy-nilly. We should invent some kind of topic where you do something good and earn yourself a gmail invite. Like make us all laugh, or pwn someone, or answer a question, or something else.
  17. Why didn't you just ask for a name change instead of cluttering up the members with another inactive username? That would have been the correct thing to do, and yeah, registering the name 'Google Bot' is very lame.
  18. The GTA-Central issue was a valid argument because it was a dispute over names. So I can understand that one. The reason why I decided to attempt to 'pwn' this person is because there was no valid reason behind his claim, he misquoted me like a professional news reporter. The claim made on my GTA4 fansite is true, however the claim on their GTA4 fansite isn't. It becomes apparent in situations like this the small things people don't notice when they don't update their website for a long time. Oh and Spaz, I am more pwnz0rz than j00. Remember that.
  19. I would have put a bestiality picture on there. Just search for 'gay bestiality' on Google's Image Search. I would have, but that would involve me hosting the image on my website where that sort of pornographic material is not allowed. IMO you put too many 'es' there, and also why do you keep saying towtruck instead of 'too', it's ridiculous.
  20. Yes, hey you even quoted me in your sig, "I am genius". That satisfies me immensley. I have pwned 3 people already today, and it's only lunchtime!
  21. I don't know, but you get the glitch from using cheats, it can't be fixed, at least not that I know of a fix anyway.
  22. Seriously? that's cool, GTAFour.net first fake trailer. Will make a nice headline.
  23. ROFL. That's cool to see I'm influencing people already . It's insteresting going through the stats, I find a lot of forums that members go to and have a link in their sig back to here.
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