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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Well, I never even knew that site existed. It's been open 3 months now yeah? You aren't even ranked on Alexa.com, you can't get much traffic to it at all. Which means no fans, if you haven't got fans, then it isn't a FANsite, is it? GTAFour.net has been open for LESS than 1 month, yet we are already ranked on Alexa.com, and whatsmore, we're almost in the top 1million already. OK so you did open before us, but you have NEVER updated it, it still has that one news post, and whatsmore, you weren't even the first anyway. So saying: We are currently the only GTA: 4 fansite on the internet and of course, the first. Is a lie. Look - www.gtafour.com, theres one, a forum, but still a fansite. opened back in May 04. Now as for my GTA4 fansite, you just misquoted what I actually said. Let me explain. You said that I am claiming we were the very first GTA4 fansite on the net. Well, I didn't, take a look now if you dont believe me (http://www.gtafour.net). Read it again. the first fansite dedcated to bringing you the latest information on the next GTA game I didn't say just the 'first fansite' period, It's actually a whole sentence, since we are the first GTA4 fansite dedicated to bringing you the latest information. Hence the updates we have on the main page. To date, your site has just the opening news post, from back in November, not very dedicated if you ask me. Sorry. I feel like all you people are coming over from GTACentral are arguing with other sites at the moment, with the whole GTA-Central issue. It's beginning to come rather incommodious.
  2. OK, so I was checking through the stats of GTAFour to see how many hits we are getting now and where people are coming from, when I noticed we already have a site hotlinking us. So I thought for a minute. It's only one image they are linking... So, I renamed the file on gtafour, and updated the link on the fake screens page so everything worked again. Now this person hotlinking just had a broken image link on their site. So, I opened up Photoshop, and began creating a slightly preposterous but nevertheless funny image. The result, a small GTA website with an image saying that I 0wned them. Wanna see? I thought so, that's why I took before and after images http://home.planet.nl/~dekk2966/fakescreenshots.htm that's the website URL, not sure how long it will be until the webmaster realises. Go here for before and after screens: http://www.chrisphillips.co.uk/images/hotlink
  3. Ok sorry for this massive quote but I would like to reply again to all those points. OK I've just realised what I typed there, I also didn't realise you owned the domain for that long. But GTA-Central was derived from Vice-Central.com, that domain was bought on 21-Oct-2003 and f0xy renamed this to GTA-Central after a few months, but he didn't buy a domain for it until February, so what I meant to say was 'a year' and not 'years' although technically it's not a whole year anyway so forget I said that. Yeah, it is a true statistic, why it is so high is because Vice-Central had hundreds of mods on it, and f0xy had a system on his forums whereby a user would need to be registered before he could download. So while many of these members didnt post at all, there were quite a lot that did. You are right though, GTABoards are bigger. Look, here is a list of most GTA sites, based on popularity, based on Alexa rankings: http://www.thegtaplace.com/sites.php Ok I have nothing else to say on this matter, but I'll tell you, f0xy hosts GTA-Central on his own server. Yes, I'm actually in the process of getting two sites closed down now, one stealing my ps2 buttons images for the cheats, the other stealing some fake screens from gtafour.net. Anyone wanna see how shit their sites are? OK. Well I don't know if I'll be using that domain, since I own SanAnMods.com too, I'm not sure which one is better.
  4. UPDATE: Check the first post again, I've added Johnline's friend Sean's video, his is just as good, download that and let's hear some feedback on both.
  5. Correct - right now we're in the process filing a patent for our name so that other places cannot legally use it, and will be forced to shut down if they do (such as GTA-Central.com). Are you having a laugh mate? GTA-Central have been around for years longer than you and you think you can file a patent over them, you haven't got a chance, if you had started before them then you would, but since is the other way round, its as if you have taken the name from them. The statistics speak for themselves, you have a mere 86 members on your forums, since you're quite a new site, whereas GTA-Central have over 13,000, although the site is no longer updated. I'm sorry but I don't think you'd have a case for a patent. You aren't a trademark or company. Whatsmore, I don't see why you'd need a patent. All the websites who will choose to call themselves GTACentral and are hosted on free web hosts are liable to be closed down by yourself, you already have the power to do that. We managed to get a few sites closed down that were hosted on freewebs for stealing images, names, content etc. Oh and BTW, I happen to own gtasa-mods.com, a domain similar to your gtasamods.com, are you going to try and patent that too?
  6. Have you been living under a rock for 2 years or something? Google Email Gmail.com
  7. ROFL. What did you type in google to get that image, didn't we have this pic in the google image game or something, I remember it.
  8. Communiry? that's a weird spelling error, but yeah that was a good vid. Our community stunt video will be amazing. We should start it now. Or at least note down places which we have found to do a good stunt.
  9. No, it's not mine, that's coming at a later date. Johnline and his friend Sean have each created a great Vice City stunt video. Using various mods it makes for some nice new stunts around the city, as well as some well known ones. The video is DivX encoded so if you find you can't play the video you'll need to download DivX from Here. Johnline's video is around 5 minutes long and is just over 36MB in file size, Sean's is around 3 minutes long and is just over 23MB in file size. Dialup users will need a few hours to download it. Download Johnline's Organised Chaos - 36.14MB Download Sean's Organised Chaos - 23.41MB Post your comments on both vids. Enjoy.
  10. I've added a few cars for GTA3 to our downloads database, I found them whilst clearing out clutter on my PC. I know not many people play the game now but they are all pretty good models so I added them. Links: 1968 Ford Mustang Fastback 1970 Dodge Challenger RT 1970 Dodge Charger 1994 Chevrolet Caprice 1997 NYPD Crown Victoria Police Pontiac Trans Am
  11. ok lets not get offtopic here, we are talking about gta on the psp here
  12. What? They use the number 69 in reference to the sexual position "69". ...Shows how young some of our users really are...
  13. you sent it to about 20 of our active people and then sent one to gta5fan yesterday or the day before.
  14. edisoncarter found another new cheat, this one makes CJ never feel hungry. View all the cheats for San Andreas here
  15. MVI I don't expect you to carry this on, I was being serious, stop it now.
  16. Well good luck with your site. I say this to all new GTA sites though, I don't believe they will ever gain much popularity. If you take a look at all the top GTA sites, you will realise they've all been around for a few years and have built up a good reputation, and have loyal fans always on the site. I would imagine it would be very hard to pull these loyal fans away from the well respected sites, since they probably feel at home there and wont wish to join anymore sites on the same subject. It's the truth though, but still, if you're a good webmaster you never know, you could do an excellent job.
  17. GlosCat? No I don't go there, I was considering it but my careers advisor suggested I don't go there (I didn't really want to anyway) since it is generally (not always) for under-achievers, I was told I'd do better in a 6th Form, which is where I'm going and wanted to go in the first place.
  18. I think that is pointless since the emails they seem to be sent from are usually fake, you can easily spoof the senders email address using PHP's mail() function, although it doesnt work very well since you can still get the IP and everything it was sent from. Anyway you could reply with an email similar to mine in that topic I made.
  19. If the kids are stronger than you then don't, since you will lose a fight, unless you have a weapon. Thinking about it if you got some mates to wear purple with you then do that so you can instigate a rivalry which will wreak havoc through the rest of your school life.
  20. Chris

    Im back

    ok, welcome back.
  21. I don't really like that one Spaz.
  22. Another cheat from edisoncarter. Although be warned, apparently some PS2's freeze after activation. We recommend you do NOT save with any cheats on anyway as it has been proven to corrupt game saves, so it's up to you whether you want to take the risk of saving with cheats on. View all the cheats for San Andreas here
  23. Yeah I've the 4 main Gran Tursimo games and love them all so I guess I like it more. I do have 3 or 4 NFS games too though. I like a lot of racing games. BTW the one they have in GAME isn't a proper version is it, you can't exactly get far with it to appreciate it more.
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