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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Hey Welcome to the forums. Enjoy your stay here!
  2. Across America today Sony launched probably the greatest handheld console to date. The PSP is setting new standards for handheld consoles of the future, with a wealth of capabilities not just limited to playing games. The PSP also has a pretty strong selection of games coming it's way, titles include the legendary Gran Turismo 4, and of course, a new Grand Theft Auto game. Currently little is known about this new GTA title, and we have little content in our PSP section on the site. We'll bring you any news on it as soon as we get it. Unfortunately in Europe gamers are still dissatisfied with the constant pushing back of the release date. A June release has been suggested in some articles, but we can never be certain. For those of you living in America and have $250 to spare, I'd advise you to get off your ass and buy a PSP if you haven't already. If you are unable to get off your ass, get one from Amazon, and while your at it, why not preorder GTA PSP. Good idea eh? Here are some useful links: Buy at Amazon.com Buy at Amazon.com - $49.99
  3. edisoncarter has found a decent cheat, probably more useful for newbies I guess, since it gives you infinite health. There's also a cheat which we don't know the affect of, so please inform us if you find out.
  4. On the mission "Two Bit Hit". Or Anywhere the Haitians drive around after inputting the Black Cars Cheat When is it possible to obtain Flame Proof Cheetah's, Banshee's and Infernus'?
  5. I wouldn't WWYDI I slept with you *thinks of what answers people will come up with*
  6. In regard to questions about my email address, had you actually bothered to look around the site you would find it on both the contact page and staff page. Secondly, you can email me the guide, but I highly doubt it will feature on the site, because unless it's as good as or better than those found at GameFAQs, it is probably not good enough. You will be better off doing what you originally said and posting it the san andreas gameplay and help forum.
  7. you're not German though. Someone will probably make a patch for blood anyway. I bet just the blood texture is transparent, all they have to do is fill it with red, maybe.
  8. Driv3r, what with them actually stealing some VC textures. True Crime, basically like GTA, except you're stopping criminals The Getaway, just a crappy, pathetic version of GTA. as for a favourite, I don't have one, don't really like them, although the Driver series does have some cool aspects to it.
  9. Well obviously all newbies have no respect, unless we know them from another forum. It's in your posts were respect is gained/lost for you.
  10. Chris

    GTA Advance

    Ok. Where is all that info from?
  11. You'll just have to be yourself then, make useful posts, and good/useful topics, especially in forums with not much activity.
  12. lol less of these if you were killed questions, we cant do anything when we're dead! WWYDI you were invisible?
  13. depends on topic, generally after a month or so of no replies it would be considered 'useless' and therefore it would be pointless bumping. Although in the lesser active forums eg Technical PC discussion then we can be more leniant. Just use your common sense really. A few topics you bumped were stupid, since you had answered the topic starters questions after it had been answered 5 times already.
  14. I reported earlier on how PCGamer were expecting to have the exclusive, but it seems German magazine Gamestar have already got it, after travelling to Rockstar's NYC offices to preview the game. The magazine which goes on sale on Wednesday 23rd March (tomorrow) all over Germany, has a massive 8 pages on the game, which includes 12 never before seen screenshots. So if your in the country be sure to pick up a copy. Below is a summary of the main points taken from the article: Links: Gamestar Magazine Preview, GTASanAndreas.net For a few of the screenshots in the mag, check out GTAReactor
  15. nothing, since I'd be dead WWYDI I pushed you in a river, a really deep, fast flowing one.
  16. attend your funeral WWYDI I died
  17. die WWYDI you were the last person on Earth?
  18. Assassinate you WWYDI you farted on the forums
  19. Hey you didnt answer my question anyway... I'd get confused and then just switch you back. WWYDI this wasn't actually Chris posting since he changed his name to PyrOxide?
  20. tell you to do stuff, then film it, sell it. make myself, you and your lesbian friend some money WWYDI I closed the whole site down
  21. point and laugh what would you do if i set you on fire?
  22. I would say "NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOO" or "AAAHHHHHHHHHH" or both. WWUDI I hit you
  23. Anyone heard Rammstein's new stuff? Apparently the new album "Eisbrecher" is out in June, but you can listen to the tracks on Amazon here. What does yous lots thinks?
  24. I can't do anything of this nature, so I'll post something blink 182 did... I know a guy... He had sex with his sister He used his dick to pop her... 4 foot blister and I know it's not that cool he fucked her in my swimming pool he's got 3 testicles and... Just realised how much it doesnt rhyme, and the suckyness of it, though it made me laugh the first time. But it's about incest, which is sick
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