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Everything posted by Alvas.

  1. Ok the thing I wanted to report was just a simple prob with the code I mean if we use skins or themes in browsers things really get messed up here some pics. By highlights I mean ticks circles with dots in them and stuff. I am using opera...I reported this to the community of opera already they said it was a problem with this website so yeah..... Take a look below the search box there are two circles for selecting...it should be like that whereas in thegtaplace... I hope thats enough. I believe the culprit in the code is probably: input, textarea, select{ background: #FFF; border: 1px solid #333333; color: #000; font-family: verdana, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; margin: 5px; padding: 2px; vertical-align: middle; } more specifically the background and border lines of that block.
  2. Alvas.

    Why Wait?

    Dude this like totally impossible ! First you need resources for this stuff I mean a lot of money and you will need like thousands of modders and maybe more to do this and even if you get them then since it's not their job they might/might not do it. It is not possible that all of them will agree. Na not at all. Most of the modders only know to modify scripts and then what will they do when it comes to creating these scripts ? It will take like 1-2 years for them to understand and start making codes and that also maybe they might/might not learn it. Even a 2d game takes years to create while GTA is a 3d game. As these^^^guys said if you wanna make it then get yourself a degree,apply for a job in a gaming industry and do it. It's not as simple or easy as you think. I am not saying its impossible but it is near to impossible as soon as you guys will start creating it you guys won't even survive a month.
  3. Well I know some of the basic coding and stuff not much though. And yeah you guys are right but this was all meant for people who don't want to go through all this learning to just make a simple website(yeah I meant this was for the lazy ones). Not for myself but for people like that^^^. In fact I have even started learning this shit,(I mean HTML,CSS and other stuff)although I am just a basic guy right now not a pro or something but since I know the basics I am sure I will be one day. Said that I actually posted this for people who didn't have much time for this and just wanted to make a simple website unlike me. That's all from me.
  4. Yes that shit is as annoying as anything you know. I search for something I get it then when I become pleased they say. Please register. What type of shit is that ?
  5. Lol if anyone wants it just pm me and shit you will be there.
  6. Why are using a dial-up lol ? You can get a pretty good broadband connection in here for like 450 - 700 INR a month[unlimited download/upload] and I am sure it will be cheaper there. Back to the topic... AVI - 4/10 Sig- 5/10(Lol If you know to make sigs and stuff than start work on it and post some of it on the graphics and writer's pad forum) Person - you seem pretty good.
  7. Lol its great you can make any website without hassle of going through codes and yet its simple. Photoshop is all you need.
  8. Download Sitegrinder This will make your work probably easy by a lot no coding or any kind of stuff just make your webpage in photoshop and sitegrinder automatically converts it into css rich webpages. Now I think its time for me to start making webpages . Its as easy as shit. You should check it out.
  9. Ok lemme explain huck first using the pen tool or using the brush tool(hard one) on a new layer make like lines towards the book not much just a little like half way or a little more and then use motion blur on the same angle in which you drew the lines. Play around with the levers and I think that should do the job.
  10. Avi- 4/10 Sig - 5/10 Person - Me too doesn't knows you much but you seem good. BTW my avi it doesn't appear for 13 minutes why ?
  11. @Huckleberry Pie - Umm.....maybe to make the pic look better you can add some kind of rays to the girl's glasses or whatever it is. You can use the pen tool or the brush to make kind of lines in ther you know...and then apply motion blur or some kind of blur in there and maybe you can make the image a bit more colorful ? @Steam - Well I think that's pretty simple just duplicate the layer. Apply the relief effect and take a big round/square soft brush and erase the part which you don't want. But remeber when you erase it do it very carefully since if not it can spoil the whole image. and then maybe you can destuarate the layer below it and apply a sepia photo filter effect. Not much to do you know. Post in your results ?
  12. A Q? what's the reason if stocks on the site causes money to download none of them is free.
  13. Avi: 5/10 Sig:I made it myself so I can't rate it maybe I'll get a 1/10 atleast ? Person: A pretty good damn friend, helpful and good.
  14. Anyways.... Oh I dunno maybe it was updated, has the stable version of chrome released yet ? Although when I downloaded...it said beta. A pic anyways...
  15. Maybe because chrome is new(its in beta), that can be why it is causing the problem. Although I just don't have it.
  16. AVI:8/10 SIG: 4/10(Don't really like your sig much) Person: 8/10 (pretty nice guys always helpful and a good friend.)
  17. Maybe not but the problem is solved for me everything's fine. Or is it that I am only one who's chrome shows the sort button ?
  18. I just can't believe in stuff ! Thats chrome and I am sure that the sort button is there I didn't copy the codes or anything that NYH gave. Huh ?
  19. Weird....Why....huh? Take a look here.... ^^That's chrome isn't it ? And that's all there so what's the matter ?
  20. Thanks any ways I'll look after it myself and yeah thanks again.
  21. Its just a box type thing which has a wi-fi antenna. Its model name is ibridge Lite C800 but what do you wannna do with that ? Just open the driver and see if the .exe file works or is executable.....na ?
  22. Yeah maybe but it just has a kind of a boxy thing which is connected by a USB cable so I was just asking if the driver was compatible.
  23. So Actually I don't have a major problem but just a minor. Its so that my internet service provider says that the software he installed for my net may/may not be compatible with Vista but I want to make sure if it does and I am not crazy to install vista install that software if it doesn't work then again install XP and go through all that hassle so I just want someone from you to download this software and try it in vista and if it doesn't work then try the compatibility mode in vista and tell me the result and simply uninstall it. A screen shot of compatibility mode you can obtain it by right-clicking the executable file and go into the compatibility tab and I want you guys to try these settings. And Here's the package... Download Umm.....Please ?
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