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Posts posted by Samil

  1. ----------The ghost of Sonny Forelli---------

    One night, Tommy was talking with Avery and Ken in his office.When suddenly, outside started to rain.It was thundering.

    *Tommy: What a weather!

    *Avery: Yes ... in the news they didn't say that it will be raining.

    Suddenly they heard something coming from the lobby.It was like footsteps.They stood looking at each other.Suddenly the heard gunfire.They went in the lobby and found the vercetti thugs standing in the middle.They were scard of the noise and didn't knew what it was.

    *Tommy: Boys what the fuck is going on here?

    *Thug1: We don't know boss.We heard the gunfire coming from here and ran to check but there was nothing here.

    *Ken: Maybe he ran.Heh ... and he won't come back!

    *Thug2: Impossible! We came from outside and all the points of the house and saw nothing.

    Once again, the footsteps were heard again, this time on the stairs.Everybody looked at the stairs and saw nothing.They heard gunfire again.They were scared and shivering.Suddenly, on the stairs appeared Sonny Forelli.

    *Tommy: Sonny?

    *Sonny: Tommy! I'm going to kill you and your gang!

    *Ken: But you are dead! How can a dead kill when he is already killed?

    *Sonny: Shut up Rosenberg!! Wanna see how can I kill?

    Sonny dissapears and reapears behing a thug, stabbing his hand in him and killing him.Tommy, shocked, left the house in his car with Avery and Ken and all the thugs ran from the mansion.Tommy and the rest stopped at Ocean View Hotel and talked.

    *Tommy: Okay ... that was shit!

    *Avery: I agree.Didn't thought that ghosts exist.

    *Ken: Well now you know that ghosts exist! Tommy this is serious, serious! We gotta do something!!!

    *Tommy: Shut up Ken! I'm thinking.

    *Avery: I have heard of someone good in paranormal stuff.

    *Tommy: Who?

    *Avery: He is from the West Coast.In San Andreas.His name is Taylor Anderson.

    *Ken: Hey I've been in San Andreas! Nice place ... but corrupt!

    *Avery: Yes, I know.

    *Tommy: Okay then we will go to San Andreas!

    So everybody packed their packages and went to Escobar Intl. Airport.Tommy had to leave his guns.He hid the 9mm and M16 in the bushes.They entered the plane and flew to San Andreas.There they landed at the San Fierro airport.

    *Tommy: So where does this guy live?

    *Avery: Some place called ... Angel Pine.

    *Tommy: Okay then we will ask directions.

    They asked a lot of citizens where could Angel Pine be, but they were ignoring them.Only one old woman talked.

    *Tommy: Ma'am ... can you tell us where Angel Pine is?

    *Woman: Angel Pine? An gel Pine is at South East from here.Here, I'll give you this map.Good luck for what are you searching.

    *Tommy: Thank you ma'am.

    They checked the map for the location of Angel Pine and they spotted it.They called for a taxi and drove there.When they got out, they asked the citizens about man called Taylor.A person said that he lives in a house, near the city entrance.They reached the house and knocked at the door.

    *Tommy: Hello!

    *Taylor: Yes?

    *Tommy: Are you Taylor Anderson?

    *Taylor: Yep.

    *Avery: We have a problem with a ghost.You sure you can handle it?

    *Taylor: Of course ... I even helped the Johnso family with the ghost of Beverly Johnson.

    *Ken: Beverly ... Johnson? CJ's mom?

    *Taylor: Yes.

    *Tommy: Okay you're hired.Come on get your packages and let's go.We have a long journey.

    So they flew to Vice City.Because Tommy had no more money, he jacked a car and took the guns from the bushes.They drove to the mansion and when they entered, there was a very, very cold chill.

    *Ken: Oh my gosh! So cold!

    *Taylor: Sonny Forelli, show your face!

    And Sonny appeared on the stairs.His eyes were red and he had white skin.He was floating above the stairs.

    *Sonny: Tommy! You're back! Now I'll do what I wanted always to do.To kill you!!

    Sonny started to lunge at him.He had sharp claws and teeths.When he was nearily to kill Tommy, Taylor toom out a pendant.Sonny stopped, looking with fear at Taylor.The pendant is made of a lyquid that paralyzes every ghost.

    *Taylor: Go back where you came from!

    *Sonny: Argh! ... Never!!

    *Taylor: Then I'll have to do it myself.Satan! Leave this house and get back where you came from! Go back in hell! Don't come back! Burn in hell!

    *Sonny: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrgh!!!

    Then Sonny dissapeared and there was no more chill.Tommy could live now peacfully.

    *Tommy: You sure he is gone?

    *Ken: Oh I hope so!

    *Taylor: He's gone alright.If you need more help, here is my number.Call be and I will come right away.

    *Tommy: Okay thanks.Now I have to call the thugs back.

    *Thug1: No need to call boss ... we are already here!

    *Tommy: *sigh* Okay.Saved me some credits.

    *Thug2: So is Sonny gone?

    *Avery: Yep.He won't return anymore.

    After they finished talking, they drove Taylor at the airport tanking him for his job well done and gave him some money, even though he doesn't want money.They then returned to the mansion and continued bussiness.But after 5 months, low footsteps were heard again, but no gunfire, apparances or kills.

    *Tommy: *sigh* Sonny ... looks like you are back ...


  2. ---------THE SAN ANDREAS KIDNAPS-----------

    PART 1

    After everything was normal, Grove street families were back in top, Kendl married Cesar, and CJ wanted to live a normal life with his wife Denise.But, in San Andreas, the danger never stops.There were rumors of some kidnappers around Back 'o' Beyond.Many people dissapeared and never been seen again.It was night and CJ, Denise, Sweet, Kendl and Cesar were eating dinner when, a Grove street OG entered the house.

    *OG: CJ!

    *CJ: What happened?

    *OG: Another kidnap!

    *CJ: Back 'o' Beyond?

    *OG: Yeah! We should go check.

    *CJ: Not now man, tomorrow.

    *OG: Okay CJ, you the boss.

    The OG exited the house.CJ sat back on his seat and started talking with his friends.

    *Denise: What happened CJ?

    *CJ: Another kidnap.

    *Sweet: Back 'o' Beyond?

    *CJ: Yeah.

    *Cesar: This is getting serious ese!

    *Kendl: Yeah!

    *CJ: I know man! We will go tomorrow and search Back 'o' Beyond.

    *Sweet: Alright.

    After they finished their lunch ...

    *Sweet: Alright man, see you tomorrow!

    *CJ: Alright bro!

    So CJ and Denise went to sleep.The next day, Sweet was in the middle of the street in his car and 3 more cars.CJ went to him.

    *CJ: Alright man ... let's go!

    *Sweet: Okay dog.

    *CJ: Ces, take Kendl in a safe place.Go at Woozie.

    *Cesar: Alright ese.Let's go Kendl!

    *Kendl: See ya CJ! Good luck!

    *CJ: Yeah ... thanks! We will need it.

    So everybody went to Back 'o' Beyond exept Cesar and Kendl that are now at Woozie.When CJ and th rest arrived at Back 'o' Beyond. it was raining and was foggy.They exited the cars and separated in groups, every group in different direction.CJ went with Sweet, Denise and 2 homies.They arrived at an old bridge.There they saw the body of a woman.The woman had no head.

    *Sweet: Oh shit!

    *Denise: Who could do that?

    *CJ: Don't know ... but once I heard of a creature in Shady Creeks.

    *Denise: Or it was Bigfoot.

    *OG1: CJ ... come here for a moment!

    *CJ: What?

    *OG2: Take a look at this!

    *Denise: Oh my god!

    *OG1: Could be the head of the woman.

    Then they heared a voice ... a scary one.It was very loud.

    *Denise: What the fuck was that?!

    *Sweet: I don't know ... we better get back to the car!

    They ran to the car.When they arrived all homies were there ... and there were scared like hell.

    *Sweet: What happened?

    *OG3: We heard a voice and came here!

    *OG4: It freaked us!

    *Sweet: Okay we better ...

    They heard something from the bushes.Everybody prepared their weapons but in the bushes was only a racoon.

    *CJ: Motherfucker! Die!

    *Denise: Phew ... only a racoon.

    Suddely something jumped from the bushes.It was the creature from Shady Creek.He jumped on a homie and beheaded him.Everybody prepared to shoot him but he was too fast.He ran towards them, killing 2 more OG's.CJ ran to the car and took the RPG.

    *CJ: Dumbass motherfucker!!!

    The rocket didn't affect the creature so everybody retreated to Mt. Chiliad.On top, they saw 2 hunters coming their way.The hunters landed and out of one of them came Woozie.

    *Woozie: Hello, Carl!

    *CJ: Woozie! Glad to see you!

    *Woozie: Glad to see you too ... or ... whatever! Cesar told us about these kidnaps that happened around Back 'o' Beyond and told me that you were going to investigate.

    *CJ: Yeah!

    *Woozie: Okay so what's the problem?

    *Sweet: Well ... that thing behind you!

    *Woozie: What?!

    The creature was about to kill Woozie but he ducked at time and everybody started again to shoot at the creature until he was about to fall.

    *CJ: Time to die fucker!

    CJ shot the creature in the head and the thing fell from the mountain.When he hit the ground, there was blood everywhere.The creature was dead but as always, CJ checked if it was dead by shooting him in the head with a Desert Eagle bullet.After that, they were returning to Los Santos but they were stopped as a tree fell on the road.They had to take the long way.When they arrived at a lake, the last car exploded and everybody got out.In the smoke there was a big shadow.From the smoke came Bigfoot.Then everybody was shocked.They were scared and shivering.

    *CJ: So you kidnapped everybody and killed them! And that creature was your associate.

    *Sweet: Well we will tell you something now!

    *Denise: You are going down to hell!

    *Everybody: DIE!

    Everybody shot Bigfoot like mad but he wasn't affected.The hunters came there as they saw the explosion.The hunters shot Bigfoot with rockets and bullets, but still not affected.So everybody retreated.They arrived in a village.Everybody were watching at them.

    *Sweet: Where the fuck are you looking at?

    *CJ: Chill bro! People, we need your help!

    *Citizen: With what?

    *Denise: We saw Bigfoot! He is coming this way!

    Everybody paralyzed when they heared about bigfoot.One of the citizens talked.

    *Citizen: Bigfoot?! We are trying to kill that monster for years! Okay we will help you!

    So the citizen went home and came bac with rifles, mac-10's, pistols and shovels.Suddenly they heared heavy footsteps.They prepared their weapons as Bigfoot was aproaching them.

    *Citizen: One more step and you are going to hell!

    *Bigfoot: ROOOOOOOOOARRRR!!!!!

    *Citizen: Okay! You asked for it!

    The citizens, Grove street families and Triad hunters were shooting at Bigfoot like mad and this time he was affected.He was bleeding and ran away.CJ chased him and when Bigfoot was surounded he shot him until he was dead, and checked if he was dead shooting him in the head.The citizens thanked the Grove street families and Triads for helping them getting rid of Bigfoot.After that everybody went home.In that night, CJ was eating dinner with Denise, Sweet, Cesar and Kendl.

    *CJ: Finaly ... peace!

    *Denise: Yeah ... I thought we wont survive that!

    *Sweet: Well good thing we did.

    *Cesar: Man, I really wanted to be there too ese! I wanted to see Bigfoot and that creature.

    *CJ: Well I had the opportunity to take a couple of pictures.Here!

    *Cesar: So ... that's how Bigfoot looks!

    *Kendl: Lemme see! Man that's one ugly shit!

    *Sweet: *sigh* Yeah!

    Suddenly, a Grove street homie entered the house.

    *OG: CJ, another problem!

    *CJ: What?! Damn this never ends!

    *Sweet: Yeah ... that's out life!

    *CJ: *sigh* Yeah! Well ... we better get moving!

    *To be continued*

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