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Posts posted by Samil


    There have been rumors and reports of a dark figure in a ghost town in the desert.People say they saw an old woman, with a chainsaw that is near the cemetery.Hearing these rumors, CJ decided to go and investigate the ghost town.Sweet, Cesar, Denise and some OG's went with him.When they arrived there it was night.The moon was shining and it was very, very quiet.

    *CJ: We better prepare the camp and set up a fire.

    *Denise: I'm down with the fire ... I'm freezing!

    *CJ: Here.Take my jacket.

    *Denise: Thanks honey.

    They all went to sleep in their tents but CJ decided to sleep outside, near the fire with a AK-47 near him.He leaned on a rock and fell asleep.Suddenly he was awaken by a noise coming from the ghost town.He took his AK and went down the rock to check.Hidden behind a house, he saw a figure entering the cemetery.The figure had a chainsaw.He approached the figure and aimed at it.

    *CJ: Don't move a muscle!

    *Figure: Grrr!

    The figure ran towards CJ like mad.CJ started to shoot the figure.The rest of the crowd were awoken and ran in the ghost town to check out what is happening.They saw CJ fighting with the figure.The figure cut his hand and CJ was hurt.The OG's started to shoot the figure, keeping ti at safe distance.Sweet and Denise approached CJ to help him.

    *Sweet: What the fuck happened dog?

    *CJ: I heared a noise coming from here and came to check and ... I saw this.Argh! It hurts!

    *Sweet: Hang on bro! I'll bring the kit.

    While Sweet went to bring the kit, an OG told CJ that the figure ran north from this position.After Sweet came back with the kit and healed CJ, they went after the figure.They followed him in a town.When they arrived the buildings were destroyed and in flames.The citizens were all dead on the ground.CJ checked them and aw that they were cut by a chainsaw.Suddenly, a person told:

    *Person: Help!

    *CJ: What happened?

    *Person: *cough* A ... black woman was ... *cough*... here ...and ... *cough* ... she started to ... kill us and ... *cough* ...

    Then he died.CJ looked around the city looking for survivors but, no-one was alive.The whole city was destroyed.Then they heared a roar coming from the north side.They turned and saw some hopi ruins.They climbed to the ruins and saw the figure.They once again started shooting and the figure jumped and ran, bleeding.CJ and the rest followed the blood and reached El Castillo del Diablo.The figure was near the old house on the top of the rock.CJ and the rest used jetpacks to get to the top.They surrounded the figure and started shooting the third time.As it says, third time is with luck so it was like that.They finally killed the figure and dropped the body from the rock to the OG's on the ground.The OG's put the body in a bad and dropepd it a the pit.

    *CJ: Finally the figure is dead!

    *Denise: Yeah!

    *Cesar: Now that figure won't scare people anymore.

    *Sweet: Yeah! Now let's go home.

    *CJ: Whoa wait! Don't you think the story is to short and Samil has more in his mind for this story.

    *Samil: Exactly! I still have some things to put so be pacient.

    *Sweet: Hey how'd you get in?

    *Samil: I'm the writer asshole!

    *Sweet: If you're the writer then why are you in the story ... I mean, you don't even live in San Andreas and etc.

    *Samil: Yeah well ... ah nevermind! Just shut up or you won't appear in any of my future stories and yiu'll die in this story!

    *Sweet: Yikes! Okay I'll shut up.

    *Samil: That's better! Okay now we better continue the story.

    While on the road home, they saw a red light coming from a rock.The light was powerful and weird so they decided to go check.They arrived at Aldea Malvada.The light was coming from the back of the ruins. CJ, Cesar, Denise and Sweet went to check.They prepared their guns and approached the light with silence.

    *CJ: Okay guys ready?

    *Cesar: Ready ese!

    *Denise: Ready when you are!

    *Sweet: Lock 'n load!

    *CJ: Now!

    They ran and pointed at the light.

    *CJ, Cesar, Denise & Sweet: Don't move!

    They pointed at the light which was only a orb.But after that the orb pick a human form and the light faced the team.The light approached them and roared.Scared, they started shooting at the light but the bullets went through him.They retreated to the rest of the homies and told them what they saw.Then the light came again.Everyone aimed at the light and started shooting but the bullets just went through the light.Then a homie took a napalm launcher and shot the light.The light roared with pain.Then CJ realized that the light doesn't support flame.So he took 4 flame throwers from the car and gave them to him friends, and they started to flame the light.The light turned in different colors, from red to blue, then green, then yellow and after that purple.The light dissapeared and on the ground was a body of a Balla OG.

    *CJ: Okay that was weirder than the creature from Shady Creek!

    *Cesar: Okay now we better go home.

    *Sweet: At last ... and Samil won't comment!

    *Samil: Hey I heared that!

    *Sweet: Whoops, sorry!

    *Samil: Whatever ... you can go home.

    So they went home with the Ballas OG unconsciously.But in Downtown LS was a riot.So CJ went alone to calm down the protagonist's.He was armed with a pistol and a Tec-9.When he arrived there he saw some Ballas protagonist's killing the people and approaching the The Police Deptartment.CJ also heared an explosion that probably was from a rocket launcher.He approached a Balla OG and grabbed him, went in an alley and then he started to interogate him.

    *CJ: Who started the riot?

    *Balla: Who said that I will talk asshole!

    *CJ: Oh okay then ... looks like I don't have what to do with you.So I'll just waste you.

    *Balla: No wait! I'll talk!

    *CJ: I knew this will work.So who did it?

    *Balla: We started the riot after out leader was nowhere to find.

    *CJ: Shit! Los Santos is going down ... okay look ... your boss is dead!

    *Balla: What?! You killed him?!

    *CJ: No ... he was possesed by something.We found him in the desert in Aldea Malvada.He was possessed by a red light.When the light dissapeared your boss appeared on the ground and we took him to grove street.He is unconscious.

    Suddenly another Ballas OG came there.

    *Balla2: What the fuck? Die Grove street pusher!

    *Balla: No wait! He knows where our boss is!

    *Balla2: I bet he is dead!

    *Balla: No he is alive and he's at Grove street.They found him in the desert.He was possessed by something.

    *Balla2: Okay so now what?

    *CJ: Now we goin' to Grove street togive you your boss.

    So CJ and the Ballas went to Grove street.There they saw some homies.They all aimed at the Ballas and the Ballas at them.Then CJ talked.

    *CJ: No homies! Don't shoot!

    *Homie1: CJ you crazy?! They are Ballas!

    *CJ: Belive me!

    Sweet came out of his house and approached CJ.

    *Sweet: CJ what the fuck?!

    *CJ: Bro ... that Balla we found in the desert ... he was their leader.And now they want him back.

    *Sweet: Okay ... I guess.

    Sweet brought the Ballas body and then he suddenly awoken.Then he thanked Grove street and from that time Grove street and Ballas were allies and fought together.The Grove street OG's started to wear green with purple and the Ballas started to wear purple with green.They forgot everything ad that happened between them.In that night, Grove street and Ballas had a huge party.

    *Sweet: So looks like everything is better now.

    *CJ: Yep.Everything ended good.

    So the Ballas and Grove street families lived in peace forever.But with the red light in the desert, nobody knows what is with it.


  2. For me the Ballas are Crips.


    I am not sure bout it though.

    But ill ask: Name 3 characters, White characters, you meet ONLY IN LAS VENTURAS (They can be in the previous games too), and you dont kill em.

    Dude I already answered these ... you blind? Now you have to answer my question

  3. i was walking into that purple shirted guy just to annoy him he then started running got on a bike and rode straight into a fire hydrant and got thrown off

    Lol ... veeeeery funny.I was once riding a nrg-500 and jumped from the ramp on El Castillo del Diablo.Only a lil' bit and I could reach the other side."Come on, come on, come on!" I said and then, BANG! I hit the rock and fell in the water.

    I know you will say "Not so funny" or "Booring" or "What's so funny in this?" .

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