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Posts posted by Samil

  1. -------THE GHOST OF CATALINA-------

    After everything was normal, Claude became the leader of Yakuza.He had a lot of money and bodyguards.He made the Yakuza and the Red Jacks allies and they took over Stanton and Shoreside.They got rid of the Yardies and Colombians.But, in one night, he was in his office in Catalina's mansion with D-Ice, D-Ice's brother, 2 Yakuza members and 2 Red Jacks when suddenly light turned off in the whole mansion.Everybody gathered in his office and started talking.


    *Yakuza1: Sir something is happening!

    *D-Ice: Did you check the fuse box?

    *Yakuza2: Yes we checked and the fuse box was destroyed.

    *D-Ice bro: What the hell? Who can do this?

    *Yakuza3: We don't know.The whole mansion is heavily protected.The guards who are guarding and patroling the basement didn't saw or hear anything suspicious and when they went down there they didn't find anything.

    *D-Ice: What do you think Claude?


    Claude was thinking what could this be.Suddenly, the window behind him opened and a wind blew inside the room, but Claude was still calm.They heared a voice like a woman saying "Claude".Then behind him appeared Catalina.Everybody was shocked and couldn't say a thing.Once again, Catalina said "Claude".Claude turned and saw Catalina but he was still calm.Then Catalina slapped him and said "Pig!".Claude had a serious injury on the face.Everybody got out of the mansion but Claude was the last one.When he exited the house, he was pushed by Catalina.They got into their cars and Claude looked at the window and saw Catalina.Then they went to the Yakuza HQ and discussed.

    *D-Ice: Now what?

    *RedJack1: We need a paranormal investigator.

    *Yakuza2: We heared of a paranormal investigator from San Andreas who is here in the city.

    *D-Ice: Okay then contact him!


    They contacted him and he said that he will meet them in Belleville Park at 7:00 PM.Claude and D-Ice went to Belleville Park and waited for the person.He arrived and presented himself.

    *Taylor: Hello! My name is Taylor Anderson.I am a paranormal investigator and I solved many cases in San Andreas and Vice City.To bad in Vice City I couldn't solve it complete.But the ghost isn't bothering my client anymore.

    *D-Ice: Whatever dog! Wanna help us or no?

    *Taylor: Yes, yes.

    They went to the mansion.When they entered, in the lobby was Catalina.He watched them and then dissapeared and quickily appeared behind Taylor.When she was about to slap him, Taylor took his pendant and Catalina stopped.

    *Taylor:Satan! Leave this house and get back where you came from! Go back in hell! Don't come back! Burn in hell!


    Catalina shouted desperate and then she dissapeared.D-Ice entered and talked to Taylor.

    *D-Ice: Is she ... gone?

    *Taylor: For a moment.

    *D-Ice: You mean she will be back?

    *Taylor: Yes after a few months but won't cause any disturbance.

    *D-Ice: Okay so we are fine.Thanks!

    *Taylor: No problem! Okay now I have to go back in San Andreas.

    *D-Ice: Alright! See ya!

    So Taylor went back home and Claude and the rest lived in peace.But after 5 months, the ghost of Catalina returned but didn't do anything.There were only footsteps and nobody had to be scared.


  2. ------West Coast myths-----

    Rumors said that somewhere North-East from Los Santos, in Palomino Creek, near the Fishers Lagoon, on foggy and rainy nights appears a shadow with a chainsaw.People think the shadow is Leatherface.He is appearing from a cabin and he is always bleeding.Many people who tryed to approach him and identify him weren't seen anymore.It is said that they were cut by his chainsaw and their bodys were dropped in the water and melted there.CJ, Sweet, Cesar, Bar27262 and Samil went in Palomino Creek.They packed up their weapons and went there right away without help of homies that were on vacation with the Ballas in the East Coast.When they arrived in Palomino Creek, it was night, very foggy and it was raining too.Bar27262 went to a person and asked him:

    *Bar27262: Excuse me sir, can you tell us were is the Fishers Lagoon?

    *Person: What? You crazy? Nobody goes there on a night ike this.

    *Samil: We know but we want to investigate.

    *Person: Go South-West from here.But be careful, nobody came back when they went there.

    *CJ: Yeah? We'll see about that!

    So the team went South-West and reached the Lagoon.They waited for about an hour and nothing happened.They decided to leave and exactly when they wanted to leave they heared a chainsaw.They turned and saw a shadow running towards them with a chainsaw.They prepared their Mp5's and started shoting in the figure.The figure roared and ran in the cabin.Cesar decided to burn the cabin.They took their flame-throwers and burnt the cabin down.When they were about to leave, Leaterface appeared infront of them.He once again ran towards them.Sweet saw a boat on the dock and they went on board and got far from the lagoon.But leatherface was swimming after them and he was really fast.

    *Cesar: Damn ese! He's fast!

    *Samil: Yeah I know! I can see him in the mirror.And in this mirror, objects aren't closer than they appear.

    *Sweet: Shit! Now what?

    *Bar27262: We blast his ass!

    *CJ, Sweet and Cesar: Yeah!

    They started to shoot at him this tim with AK's and M4's.Leatherface was bleeding hard and finaly he was killed.He sank down in the water.This time when they wee sure that Leatherface was dead, they went home with the boat.But on their way, the boat ran out of gas so they had to swim to land.

    *Bar27262: Gosh! I dunno who's the owner of this boat, but looks like he forgot to refill.

    *Samil: Yeah!

    They swan to land and they found a car.

    *Cesar: Just our luck ese!

    *Sweet: Yeah! But we have a problem ... okay 2 ... there's no gas ...

    *Bar27262: Oh man!

    *Sweet: ... and it has only 4 seats and we are 5.

    *Samil: Hmm ... just our luck!

    *Bar27262: What?

    *Samil: ATV's!

    *CJ: Cool!

    *Cesar: And it has gas!

    *CJ: Then let's go!

    They started their ATV's and went south.

    *CJ: Yo Samil! You sure know where we going?

    *Samil: Of course I know.My GPS always helped me if I was in trouble with directions.

    *CJ:What's a GPS?

    *Samil, Bar27262, Sweet & Cesar: -.-'

    They finaly arrived on the freeway and continued their way to Grove street.There, CJ, Sweet and Cesar met Kendl, Denise, Truth, Madd dogg, Rosie, Maccer and Kent Paul.Samil and Bar27262 continued riding with the ATV's around LS.

    *Bar27262: Yo Samil, now what?

    *Samil: Shoot me if I know something.Hey wait I know!

    *Bar27262: Okay lemme take my 9mm.

    *Samil: No! No!

    *Bar27262: Ha, ha, ha! Gotcha!

    *Samil: Very funny ...

    *Bar27262: What you want me to shoot you for real?

    *Samil: No man! Lol!

    *Bar27262: Ha, ha! Okay now serious ... what should we do?

    *Samil: Well first no guns!

    *Bar27262: Oh okay!

    *Samil: And second ... what do you want? Go pick up a chick, go to a club, go to Cluckin' Bell or continue to ride around San Andreas solving more mysteries?

    *Bar27262: Hmm ... well we will go pick up a chick for both of us then go to a club, then Cluckin' Bell and then we will ride around San Andreas with our chicks solving more mysteries.

    *Samil: Ha, ha, ha! That's my man!

    So they found theirselfs some girlfriends and went to Alhambra, then took a meal at Cluckin' Bell and then went arou nd San Andreas solving more mysteries.


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