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Everything posted by Scott.

  1. Scott.

    Xbox 360 Or PS3

    Enjoy your RRoD and hope you have fun with your fat heavy controller. And i hope the loud fan noise doesnt piss you off too much. And you better not quit your job or you wont be able to play online Sounds like fanboy too me. You sound like you adore your over built paper weight. And to be honest, you've been a tit all over the forums recently..
  2. Scott.

    Xbox 360 Or PS3

    Yeah, gunna connect it to my phone cable. When I get it, I'll give you my user thing.
  3. Ah crap, my computer is no match for them! Luckily I should be getting a 360 soon.. Cheers for the article Chris.
  4. ^ Reminds me of my middle school days Steve Miller Band - The Joker
  5. Yeah, as you get older as well, it becomes less special.
  6. Yeah sounds like a good idea, we do them in lessons sometimes, good way to organise shit too.
  7. Scott.

    Xbox 360 Or PS3

    Ha, I dunno, I'm getting a pre owned one which is about a year old, which isn't too bad.
  8. Halloween can be funny around here, all the shops get egged. Lol. I would normally go out on Halloween but I can't really be bothered :S
  9. Scott.

    Xbox 360 Or PS3

    Just got told I am getting a 360 for my birthday. Damn I can't wait a month! ha.
  10. Some 70's Steve Miller Band - The Joker
  11. Cheers for the advice man, appreciate it. Will do these when the exams come closer to the time. I just get so bored reading books.
  12. It depends if I can be bothered or not really, if I can, I will go out getting sweets lol. If I can't I'll probably stay and post here
  13. San Andreas atm... Soo need a new console lol.
  14. Ha, they are funny, and they work unlike other parodies. Well done
  15. I used to smoke GV. Just because I could get it cheap lolz
  16. Don't agree, I think its funny.
  17. Got my GCSE mock exams in a couple of months, really hope I do well on them so I can feel positive when it comes to the real thing. Only problem is; I can't stand revising, it just bores me out so much. Anyone here got any tips how to have fun whilst revising?
  18. Ha yeah, have a bloke with a fag in his hand and he's hitting on a really hot babe, and she goes eeew go away. Ha. Pwned.
  19. X2 When I did smoke that is, I sometimes have one now and again if someone offers lol.
  20. Found this a while back, this might be what we are like when we are older
  21. Boobiez are so ftw.. I think that is a male thing, men don't like telling other people their secrets, always keep it secured inside them.
  22. Same, well at present time lol. Nah when it happend to be I was depressed to fuck, but my Nan and Grandad, being the totally awesome people EVER, helped me through everything.
  23. Shit man, I went through the same thing a couple of years ago, all you gotta do is stay positive.
  24. Scott.

    Xbox 360 Or PS3

    Amazing song Anyway, hopefully, I should be getting a 360 soon. My Dad's mate at work is selling a 360 premium + 7 games for £150!
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