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Everything posted by Scott.

  1. Essex is about 30 mins away from me. Living in Norfolk, all I really see is farms. Essex is bad. Sluts, Chavs, Guns.. everything haha. Enjoy your stay though S-V
  2. Yo Spide buddy, as I told you on msn, visit the Wembley stadium it is amazing. Also, please assassinate Gordon Brown Have a good time in London buddy. Dont have too much sechs witht he hostess'
  3. Well done Obama. I'm not American so I will have absolutley fuck all to do with this really and it isn't going to affect me, but by some of the speeches, it is clear that he is a remarkable man.
  4. Very said R.I.P No being disrespectful or anything but maybe this is to boost his votes? get the sympathy vote? I'm not saying he's lying, hes a great man and I really want him to win.
  5. Cheers man, been looking at that bbc bitesize site, thats quite useful.
  6. Hope you had a french oral exam haha.
  7. I'm not concerning myself with jobs atm. I have a paper round which tbh is enough for me. I just sent 2 applications for spots in college which I hopefully will get .
  8. Don't own it atm, but many of my friends play it, and they said they absolutley hate it :S.
  9. Kelly Brook mate, shes fiiine :P

  10. I've had various viruses. Don't know what it is but it just slowed my computer so much, that it kept freezing and rebooting every 2 minutes, very annoying.
  11. Happy birthday Don, same age as me now growing up. Next thing you know, you'l be drunk and laid.
  12. Ahh, skateboarding, brings back memories of a younger me. Haha.
  13. Congrats to R*. Good to see GTA once again, gets awards. Wish i could play it ffs
  14. Dude, save up for a 360, the arcade version isn't that expensive anymore.
  15. Didn't need to bump this But by the looks of it, the 2nd one looks better.
  16. Sweet, we're on half term here so we can celebrate halloween without school.
  17. Scott.

    Xbox 360 Or PS3

    Me either, I didn't find it at all big when I played it at Toys R Us Lawl . It felt perfect.
  18. X2. It's too cold to go out anyways.
  19. Scott.

    Xbox 360 Or PS3

    Lol, I ain't splashing my cash out on a Elite where there is a pre-owned perfectly fine premium for sale
  20. ^ Nice My lot have already got fireworks for the 5th No doubt the old bill will be down here again haha.
  21. Scott.

    Xbox 360 Or PS3

    Yeah good post WRX22B1998. Cheers. Yeah I've played a 360 and their controllers are perfect, absolutley nothing wrong with them. You will need really mini hands if they are too big for you.
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